[center][h1][color=B9C66E]Mona Windrider[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/cXFZWZB/Mona.jpg[/img] [i][color=B9C66E]Location:[/color] The Palace Courtyard to Palace Entryhall [color=B9C66E]Skills: [/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Mona nodded in response, [color=B9C66E]"Good, good."[/color] He voice was soft as she looked over the devastation which had befallen the feast. The tables on fire and the corpses which littered the ground were not the best way to celebrate things. She heaved a great sigh. Hell, she was even holding someone's head in her hand. How bizarre this all was. She turned her attention back upon the young guard. [color=B9C66E]"Nay, I 'aven't seen 'er since dah fightin' began. If I see 'er I'll send 'er yer way."[/color] Mona inclined her head slightly before making her way toward the palace. Inside she could further see the destruction which had settled over everything. More bodies and blood. She shook her head, feeling cold. This was all so very wrong. She moved further into the palace. Despite her time here she did not know it very well and knew not where it was she headed. She was attempting to go toward the barracks where she and Amarantha had seen the odd ghostly lady.