[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ICLsanB.png[/img] [/center] [COLOR=#dbf220][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Central City[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Post #1.11:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Crisis 1.01 - Nothing Good. [/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][color=#dbf220][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]The People Of Star City[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Previously:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4926013]Born To Run[/url][/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/color][/indent] Thawne was standing in his makeshift lab, what had once been Eddie's Kitchen was now Eobard's... Well... Kitchen. Had he been a meth-cook, at least. It looked perhaps a little more jank than the supergenius would have liked, but he was making do. People would start wondering if he was spending millions of dollars on lab equipment - and he had no way of stealing the equipment, either, so his only choice was to build his own. In the 21st century, people wouldn't exactly take lightly to the guy who built a nuclear fusion reactor in his living room but in the 30th? Yeah, no. Still illegal. Not that laws had ever stopped Thawne. He wasn't building a bomb, not blowing up the sun or propelling a drone into the core of the planet to blow it up if the people of Earth didn't comply with his wishes. That was all childish pursuits that if he had ever tried them, he had now realized the futility of them. His goals were simple, pragmatic. He needed an energy source that could run his experiments. Build the materials that he would need. As the timer let out a loud 'PLING!' he knew his creation was done. A thing so genius nobody in the next 10 thousand years would ever manage it. He opened the reinforced glass that was blocking any of the particles from the oven from getting out into the air - as if they did during the heating process, thousands would die and then next 20 blocks would be turned into a no-go zone for the next century. But now, once the heating was done, it was perfectly harmless to open. His round protecting glasses reflected the shimmer from inside. He held his creation in his one hand, with a pair of tongs. "It's a quarter million calories packed into a protein bar. It's the greatest dietary marvel in the entire universe, I've refined the recipe a million times. But I still cannot figure out why it only tastes of cinnamon, and perhaps that is one of my few failures as a scientist." The Genius spoke to Gideon, whom he was projecting from his wrist-mounted computer screen that he had placed on the table behind him, he was making some small upgrades to the gadget. He placed the protein bars, six in total in small wrappers that he then placed into a compartment of his suit where he would be able to get to them even in a battle situation. He was never having another incident like that with the rogues where his body would give out from lack of calories. That had already gotten messy enough. The cops had blamed the murder of Digger Harkins on his partner, Mirror Master who was still M.I.A. The Flash was credited with stopping the vehicle and retrieving the stolen goods. All of which was without any tampering from Thawne. Honestly, if killing people had always been this easy, Thawne wouldn't be in the predicament he was now. The rubber gloves and white lab coat would be removed after he turned off the reactor, the particles inside stopped moving as the lights went out. "It's quite the spectacle, yes, Professor Thawne." The A.I chirped in, sounding as preoccupied as a computer with no emotions could. She was literally programmed to never be preoccupied, yet one could assume that not even Gideon was without her paradoxes. She was after all programmed by Barry Allen, and one would assume that's just shoddy craftsmanship. "Something on your mind, Gideon?" Thawne asked, revealing a yellow T-shirt and black jeans from underneath the coat that he folded extremely neatly in the blink of an eye. "My subroutines are scanning an event taking place in Star City and New York, Professor Eobard. It's not a timeline constant. It's... Fluctuating. And I do not get any clear readings on it. It's an event that's both solid in time and not." "Time travel?" Thawne asked, chewing half the protein bar and feeling his hunger subside almost immediately. "Likelihood of Time travel is less than 1%. It's more likely that this event is caused by sustained damage to the timeline." Gideon responded, showing the clips of the broadcast that had gone out. The towers and view of the attack taking place. The civilian hordes attacking each other and Thawne looked puzzled for a minute. "You're saying all of this is because of me?" He almost had a hint of shock in his voice. "It is at least 80% likely that this is related to your entrance into this timeline, yes, Professor." Gideon proclaimed and Thawne shook his head. "That leaves only one course of action. I guess the Flash is going to have to make his debut to the rest of the world. Which location is the highest priority? Star or New York?" "New York is under control. Star has a Sorcerers Apprentice and the Greenest Arrow of all time." Gideon added, showing files corresponding to the points she was making on the wall. Thawne's eyes blurring, surging with energy as he took in all of the information in but a moment. Star was the first target. A hurricane of yellow lightning surged in the apartment as Thawne rebuilt his suit, placing Gideon's wrist-mounted computer and the compartment for the energy bars into the suit, as well as a slight tune-up to the lenses he wore in the mask, they were not accustomed to the far higher CO2 levels in this time, something that was dirtying his lenses when running. Of course, the CO2 had other ramifications, but none that were too concerning to Thawne. The Crimson Comet sped off to city of the Emerald Archer. [hr] [COLOR=#dbf220][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Star City[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][/color] One word came to mind as the speedster arrived in Star City, perhaps five minutes away from his kitchen. He surveyed the scene and that one word came back to him. [i]Chaos.[/i] People were attacking each other on sight. His lenses immediately could detect the radio waves emitting from each person who was rampaging, it wasn't their fault. It was all from the mind control tech that was controlling them. Four infected saw him as he stood still, and charged at him immediately, perhaps they just didn't like the red color. And who could blame them? They leaped like savage animals, scratching and clawing, Thawne quickly dismantling all of them. Two shattered collarbones on one guy, he shattered the ribs of the girl, dislocated the shoulders and hips of the third. The fourth tried to claw Thawne, and an uppercut from the speedster left him with a fat enough concussion that he would probably stutter for the rest of his life. But they would live. Those terrible art installations? Less likely to survive the evening. Thawne identified the first one, the one in Avalon Park and dashed towards it, blurring past any possible opposition. With his speed he quickly tore up the southern wall of the obelisk, revealing it's components. A beam of light emitted from the suit as he analyzed the parts of the obelisk, identifying it's structural weak points. Once he had identified it, he realized that they were rigged to blow - all 4 of them, at the same time, and they would take the city with them, or at least most of it. Thawne was never a stranger to genocide. But this was senseless - not to mention that he was forced to prevent it after all. He disarmed the explosives in this tower, as well as the rest of the electronics, weakening the signal that was emitted to the drones, at least in theory. A flash of lightning headed down the tower as the two back bearing beams were torn in half, the obelisk began falling as The Flash got a thought. He dashed back up the tower, sprinting in a circle in the front of the Obelisk, etching something into the collapsing tower. As he ran down the tower, the freshly burned insignia, just like the one he wore on his chest would be seen on every camera broadcasting the event. From now on and for all of history, people would know that The Flash had been here. Off to the next Obelisk, and the news was out to the infected as now what had before was a handful of ghouls, was now hundreds. Perhaps a thousand. Followed by a swarm of drones who were after him. They didn't take kindly to The Flash taking down one of their hives. Not appreciated at all. He would plow through the masses as quickly as he could, trying to minimize the damage dealt while taking out people - they were after all still just people. Once this crisis was solved, they would all go back to normal lives and while Thawne had no love for the people of his world, he realized it wouldn't exactly be suitable to turn everyone wheelchair-bound or into a vegetable. Even if it might be fun. He was cornered, hundred infected in front of him and perhaps a thousand drones hovering around him, waiting to pounce. The drones charged, Thawne danced in between the people, using them as cover and when he could, he aimed precise strikes at the drones, disintegrating them before they would get too close. He would turn the feral people into human shields for the bots to attach themselves too, And when the people were down - more to come, for sure. The bots would be dwindling in numbers. A few minutes later, a sea of knocked out bodies would be seen, as well as a scarlet-clad hero panting. "Gideon. Measure my vitals." "Your heart-rate is 56,000 beats per minute. You're close to cardiac arrest. If you do not catch your breath, you will collapse." "Heart-Attack at 56 thousand? I've gotten weak in my old age." Thawne said with a smirk as his eyes flashed with yellow lightning - not noticing the still functioning remnants of one of the bugs that crawled up his neck, planting itself firmly in the base of his head as it infected him with its programming - the yellow flash in his eyes turned red as his proud smile turned sinister. The red lightning spread across his body and his smirk turned into a sadistic grin, his posture changing to something far more fiendish. Nothing good could come of this.