Cyanwrath's posture hardly changed, but his behaviour certainly showed odd signs just after the halfling had performed her magical act. The half-dragon begun to glance towards his sides, and his nostrils drew closer to being shut. A low rumble emanated from his throat and his scaly fingers dug deeper into the handle of his weapon, the pressure starting to show even on the covering scales like it would have shown in the skin covered digits of a human, yet so much more mutely. His soldiers didn't need to consider twice what was going on, and the scar eyed man pointed his weapon in the direction of the bard. "Target the halfling!" he shouted out, earning a grunt of approval from their boss, stuck in the illusory threat without the ability to see beyond the cloud. The axe wielding soldiers sprang into action, each changing their trajectories to pick up a new target from the group of adventurers. Even the one locked in melee combat against the half-orc would rush past his opposition, but the bleeding man didn't look all that certain of the action. Yet there was something in his eyes that drove him forward. Fear. Not of death, but a sideways glance to Cyanwrath spoke more than a thousand words. As did the swinging weapon of the half-orc, and after him the turning blade of the bestial paladin. His path was cut short, the hefty steel blade pushing him down to the ground, though even then it wasn't quite sufficient to cut through the man's armour enough to outright kill him. Oh he bled, especially from the shoulder that had just been struck, and the amount was not trivial either. But his chest still moved, and he closed his eyes on his own. The druid in the guise of the tiger managed to strip a piece of armour away from the warrior that darted away from him, a snap of leather sending the broken strips lashing out at the animal's face. Not enough to cause direct harm, but certainly delivering an unpleasant lash just a hair too close to the eyes for one's liking. But with the Paladin having neglected the chance to impede the decorated axe and the apparent underling making it away from the tiger's maw, two axes came rushing down towards Parum. Both of the warriors put their full attention into the strike. Neither was fooling around. The intent was not only to maim. It was to kill, to ensure that the spell would end and that they would have one less target to worry about in the fight. The twin strikes landing on a woman barely the size of the blades spoke for themselves. One down. A couple more to go. Even if it cost one of their own. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] Recognising magic being cast, the axe wielders change their target. All approach Parum with their movement, the first [u]one that had spoken with the party previously perishing[/u] in the attempt as two blades fall upon them. Yet even with one of them down, the other two reach their target and use what is their equivalent of Reckless Attack. [b]Until the start of the Axe-Wielders' next turn, all attack rolls against them have advantage.[/b] Attack rolls went as follows (participants Axe wielders #2 and #3): [quote]#2 To Hit: [url=][b]18[/b][/url] / [url=][s]9[/s][/url] Damage: [url=]9[/url] slashing[/quote] [quote]#3 To Hit: [url=][s]14[/s][/url] / [url=][b]Nat 20[/b][/url] Damage (Critical): [url=]18[/url] slashing[/quote] Put together that is 27 slashing damage on Parum, which should knock her out and end the concentration on the illusion [@Ryonara]. No need to roll for concentration if that happens. Next in turn would be Brannor, the one that was challenged [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]. [/hider]