Sev eyed the miniature bot that sat dormant in her palm. Her scanners surveyed the automaton, analyzing it component by component. There were even a few older and outdated schematic in Sev’s database that was in line with this particular model of scoutbot. The robot was simultaneously simple and complex in it’s creation. [color=92278f]“Relax, I’m not gonna hurt it”[/color], Sev said with attempted reassurance, [color=92278f]“I’m mostly robot myself remember[/color]”? She continued to study the bot without looking away, her eyes casting barely visible blue lasers as she scanned it. [color=92278f]“The friend that we’re going to visit should be able to help you out with this sort of thing”[/color]. Sev finally removed her gaze from the scoutbot and over to the window of the room. The suns were beginning to set finally. It was almost time for them to move. [color=92278f]“We should get packed. We’re gonna hit the street soon”[/color]. With that Sev delicately placed the scoutbot on the bed nest to Nessa before moving to assemble her arsenal. She began by carefully stuffing the freshly assembled and loaded firearms back into the duffle bag that she had received them in, with the exception of the homemade shotgun. Sev moved to holster the blaster pistol on her hip. The android moved with a frantic precision. It had been a long time since she needed to bug out from a planet but traveling light and being prepared to move was second nature to the android by now. She placed the loaded duffel bag on the floor beside the door and then slid the closet door open. Only a couple of articles of clothing were hung up and a dirty camouflage backpack sat on the filthy carpeted floor. Sev shed the slightly ruined shirt she’d been sporting and tossed it to the ground. She grabbed the one tank top that was hanging in the closet, it was a grungy green color with the faded Club Nightcore logo printed across the chest. Sev managed an eyeroll before she pulled the tank top over her head. Without missing a beat Sev knelt down and unzipped a pocket on the backpack and brought out a pair of black rubber bands, which she promptly used to pull her massive amount of silver hair into a ponytail that was equally as massive. Personally, Sev hated styling her hair or doing anything with it at all. As an android she really didn’t understand the whole grooming thing however she did need to keep her hair out of her eyes if she was expecting a fight. Sev reached up into the closet once again to pull out the last remaining article of clothing, an oversized windbreaker marked with absurdly bright patterns. She shrugged the jacket onto her shoulders and over her arms. Wordlessly she darted over to the desk where she’d worked on the guns earlier, bringing the camo backpack along with her. Sev ripped a holster from the innards of the backpack and slung it onto the desk before cramming her bloodied trench coat into the bag haphazardly. It took her a couple of seconds to fasten the second holster to her waist. The sawed-off managed to fit snuggly on the small of her back. She was ready for action.[color=92278f] “Come on”[/color], she ushered Nessa,[color=92278f] “It’ll be dark soon and we need to get to our ship. Pack what’s vital and let’s get out of here”[/color]. Feya’s ignorance caused Six to narrow her eyes slightly. [color=f7941d]“Well you haven’t met and android like myself”[/color], she squeezed the woman’s hand just enough to hopefully cause a bit of panic, [color=f7941d]“Stick with me long enough and you’ll learn a few things. Like how to properly intimidate potential informants”[/color]. Six retracted her hand swiftly, half in disgust and half genuine dislike for Feya. The android back peddled on her heals and turned down the alleyway facing the city streets. She jabbed an elegant finger into the air and gestured towards the streets. [color=f7941d]“So here’s the situation”[/color], she spoke in a domineering and commanding voice, a complete tonal shift from her normal demeaner, [color=f7941d]“ Our targets are in this general area. According to the information that I dug up, they should be together. Here’s the thing though, we need to find my target in order to find yours”[/color]. Six walked back over to Feya and activated a small orb on the underside of her wrist. Her stealth suit was custom made with an holographic display for tactical planning. Six waved a hand and wiped away the grime of her earlier massacre before the orb projected a small holographic image of Sev and the way that she looked the other night. She let the image slowly rotate for a few moments so that Feya could take in the details. [color=f7941d]“This is who we need to find in order to find the Star Hopper. She’s a android like me, which means that even on her worst day she’s still dangerous”[/color]. The image abruptly dissolved into a mass of shifting pixels before reassembling into a three dimensional render of the city block that they were in. [color=f7941d]“I suggest that we split up to cover opposite ends of the streets and alleys. I’ll take the northern side and you can take the south side. We’ll need to be vigilant. She has an energy signature that only I can detect. However, she also has glowing blue eyes so she shouldn’t be that difficult to spot”[/color]. The android cast her vision upward towards the now darkening sky. [color=f7941d]“I know her. She’ll try to move under the cover of night. Do you understand the plan? If so, then we should probably assume our positions as soon as possible”[/color].