As soon as Sev mentioned she wasn't going to damage her work, Ness relaxed quietly. She looked to Ra and nodded; the small beast moved quickly, picking up any small piece of tool or equipment around before tucking things away in the toolbox as Nessa stood. [color=659EC7]"Right."[/color] She started, she only had vital things in her bag from when the ship crashed. She put the toolbox into the bag before she looked to Ra. She had collapsed his crate by now and it was an ass to pull it out and fix it up, and it would end up being a hassle if she had to fight. [color=659EC7]"Ra, in the bag."[/color] She ordered, an unfamiliar tone of authority in her voice. Ra moved quickly and bounced into her bag before disappearing inside; although the outside didn't seem to move as he burrowed inside. She moved quickly, putting everything else either into sidepockets on her bags, or slipping them into her person. She hooked the scoutbots to her belt, pulling out her gun before she clipped it to her belt as well; she flexed her hands and pulled out a pair of ash grey gloves and slipped them on, feeling energy flood down her arms and light up runes on the glove. [color=659EC7]"Ready."[/color] She started, lifting her bag up over her shoulder and felt Ra move slightly to poke his head out with a bit of food out of his mouth. [color=659EC7]"Hey you better not be eating everything in there! That shits expensive."[/color] She said to her beast companion, who ducked his head away again with a bark. Feya seemed unphazed by Six's handshake before she followed after without a word. She was used to be told to follow orders, being a council member would do make you think that. Surely the android knew she was a council member, but she had a feeling the android couldn't give less of a shit. [color=54C571]"I understand the plan."[/color] She said, [color=54C571]"You can sense the android, I have the ability and knowledge to know when the Star-Born is around."[/color] She said coolly, [color=54C571]"If we co-ordinate our shit we can take them both on."[/color] Part of her wondered if Six even knew what they were up against with the Star-hopper; sure her want was on the android like herself, but did she know how dangerous the Star Hopper was? Did the other android really know who she was with? She had seen Nessa at her worst, and she needed to be put down.