[Centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjAwMDAwMC5SVzl0WlhJLC4w/respecty.regular.png[/img][/centre] The following morning seemed to hold with it some sort of weird elation for Eomer; be it down to the warmth of the night, the nicer weather that seemed to be gracing the party with its presence, or just simply a small remnant of the alcohol left in his system. No matter the cause, the warmth seemed to follow him throughout the morning, and his disposition seemed much more amicable than it had the previous two days. Rising much earlier than many, if not all of the others, the Badlander took a brief walk around the outpost to get a solid grasp of their surroundings; something which he had found impossible to do the previous night through the dense rain. It was a small place for sure, but with almost accompanied the feelings of security and comfort in an otherwise hostile area. It wasn't long however before Eomer returned to the Muddy Ghoul, waiting for the others as he sat outside cleaning the equipment he had neglected to do the previous night. He let out a rather unimpressed snort when it came to his knife, which had once again lost the majority of its sharpness along the bevel. It wasn't surprising considering the constant stress he put the blade through, most likely a result of using the blade in a very makeshift way to cut firewood, but even so frustrating nonetheless. When the others eventually joined him, they took the short walk to the inn they were looking for. Taking the couple of steps up to the porch, Eomer gently unslung his weapon and rested it against the wall, straightening it hastily as it began to slowly slip to one side. After all, they were at someone else's place of meeting, it would be rude it enter brandishing weapons like they owned the place. It was admittedly a token gestue as, judging from the boards, those inside couldn't see it, but the feeling was there. As gleeful as Eomer felt, even he could feel the cold tension that seemed to appear as the group entered the room. A cold shiver managed to make it's way down his spine before, to the very contrary of how Eomer felt this situation should be handled, Ezlan strode on in with as much confidence as you please, acting as light hearted as it seemed he always did. Knowing he could do nothing to actually stop Ezlan, Eomer just quietly pursed his lips, glancing at each of the grizzled adventurers in turn and just hoping that they found this situation as funny as Ezlan seemed to think it was.