[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/11FBIlt0RKNSko/giphy.gif[/img] [color=e74c3c][h1] Roy Kusayanagi [/h1][/color][/center] Roy smiled at Kenichis comment of talking things out of working things out like bros, a pretty new concept to him considering he has never really physically fought with anyone close to him. [color=e74c3c]"Yeah totally."[/color] He then noticed Kenichi's eyes grow wide, very wide before the man reached out and grabbed his waist. Everything began to happen in slow motion as he saw the veins trailing Kenichi's arms begin to protrude visibly confirming the vice grip that he had on Roy's body. There was no getting out of this. [color=e74c3c]"H-WOAHHH"[/color] Just like that, Roy was airborne and heading straight towards Kiyoko like a missile. Before making contact, Roy closed his eyes afraid of what was going to happen next but much to his own amazement he flew right through Kiyoko. With one less thing to worry about he could now focus on somehow stopping his momentum. Roy opened his palms and released a concussive blast which allowed him to safely land before slamming into the wall. [hr] [center][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6889/bddd37a3628bd7b524dbf44b7542f693b54dd35dr1-459-600v2_00.jpg[/img] [h1][color=f26522]Shihone Yamada[/color][/h1][/center] [color=f26522][i]I suppose the rumors were true[/i][/color] Shihone retracted her hand as she watched Dulga exit the room with a girl with very cat-like features, [i]She must be Mamoru-san[/i]. An annoyed smile appeared on her face as she spun around to rejoin Kiyoko. This may have been her first meeting with Ms.Tatara, but this most certainly wasn't her last. [color=ed1c24]"PFFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHA! You got... hahahaha.... You got ignored so haarrrdddddd ohhh my gooood... The look on your face... I... hahaha I can't.... ohhhhhh hahahahahaa!!"[/color] Her friend was laughing hysterically at her which seemed to only add salt to the wound. [color=f26522][b]"Its impolite to point Uchino."[/b][/color] A bit of vitriol in her voice, suddenly the loud shouting of a blue haired student followed by the blonde being sent flying towards Kiyoko caused her to grind her teeth a bit as she watched the child's play unfold. Sad to say it was Kiyoko who tipped her over the edge as she played along with the idiocy of the whole situation. The red head glared with intensity as she watched Kiyoko sink into the floor and reappear out of Kenichi's phone. [b][color=f26522]"Are the two of you done fooling around?"[/color][/b] Her voice slightly strained as she struggled to maintain composure, a streak of electricity flew up the length of her crimson hair as her eyes darted back and forth between Kenichi and Kiyoko. [color=f26522]"Also, I would appreciate it if you would act more professional in front of our underclassmen, we are role models after."[/color] she said in response to not only Kiyoko's actions but also the nickname that she had just used. The red head then moved closer to the other students, inspecting each and every one of them that were present. [color=f26522]"But yes, we have heard a lot about this years infamous class 1-A and it seems like our visit here has confirmed a few rumors for sure. But first and foremost how is everyone holding up, we’ve noticed how quiet you’ve all been since the incident earlier this week.”[/color] Shihone smiled as she looked back and forth among the students. [@Heartfillia][@Norschtalen][@Aerandir][@Ryonara][@Silver Carrot][@Zeroth][@Melpaws]