[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SJS4Ur5.png?1[/img][/center] [sub][hr][/sub][COLOR=#81CFFF][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]New York City, United States [/I] - [I]Present[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #1.09:[/b] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Of course there's a Bomb / Crisis Event[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] Soon the area was completely clear of people allowing Kara to walk unimpeded toward the Obelisk. [color=#81CFFF]"Well that was easy, but I have a feeling it won't be quite that easy."[/color] As if on cue, a cloud of bots swarmed out of the tower to rush at Supergirl. [color=#81CFFF]"Yep, I just knew it."[/color] Kara crossed her arms in front of her face and braced for impact, but then the cloud of bots simply changed direction and started to fly away. The new orders had come in to converge on Madison Square and now there was nothing left to defend the Obelisk. [color=#81CFFF]"Ummm well that was anti-climatic, not gonna complain about missing a bug shower though."[/color] Kara looked at the Obelisk suspiciously. [color=#81CFFF]"Just smashing it up might be a bad idea; I bet there is some booby trap or something. The bad guys love their traps after all according to all the comic books and TV shows I've seen as a kid."[/color] Kara concentrated all her attention on the Obelisk for anything suspicious. The first thing she noticed was a low, hum, not something a normal person would be able to hear, that had started coming from the device. Kara found a panel on the Obelisk and yanked it open with ease but what stared back was a countdown number which could only mean one thing. [color=#81CFFF]"This puppy is going to blow sky high in twenty-eight minutes! There is always going to be a bomb in these situations isn’t there.”[/color] Kara noticed another small monitor had the Blue Beetle’s message on it, explaining what just happened. [color=#81CFFF]“That explains the bugs, but then that means all the other towers are unprotected, which means there is no point in keeping them around…so all of them are going to blow up then except Madison Square. Guess this is a job for Supergirl…”[/color] Kara glared at the countdown and tried to think of the best way to disarm the bomb. Cutting off the power supply would be the safest way but she wasn’t exactly sure where that was and she was on a time table. Trying to disarm it manually could make it blow up prematurely and she wasn’t sure how. Well over thinking it was not going to make those timers any slower. [color=#81CFFF]“When in doubt, slam it out! Probably not how the saying is suppose to go but if I’m going to make it in time sometimes the brute force way is the only way!”[/color] Supergirl positioned herself over the Obelisk, clasped her hands together over her head to make a battering ram, and rocketed herself straight down on the tower. The speed and force of the blow were designed to be quick enough that if there was something to trigger the explosion it wouldn’t have time to go off. There was a lot of crunching but thankfully no explosions and as quick as she smashed through, Kara was out again. [color=#81CFFF]“Good, thankfully I can destroy them before they explode, now how many are left.”[/color] Kara thought about asking Kelex but she doubted he could pinpoint them for her in time, thankfully there was a certain sound she had just stopped hearing, a sort of humming sound that came from the Obelisk. Trying to remember the exact sound, she started searching throughout the city for it. So many sounds, the clinking of a dime hitting the sidewalk, a dog barking as it ran away from danger, the various hums from electrical wires, the fluttering of a bird’s wings, so many sounds. Kara’s eyebrows scrunched together in concentration as she tried to match the frequency she had heard from the Obelisk. It was hard to sift through all the excess but the lives of potentially thousands or even tens of thousands depending on her. This was a power that was still hard to really use effectively, super hearing. A mind naturally blocked out most noises from being noticed while concentrating on her ears forced her mind to acknowledge the existence of all those sounds. The first moments were always deafening and all the things she heard but knew she couldn’t do anything about were quite taxing mentally. Then the range got narrower as she focused on what she wanted to hear and the cacophony of sounds started to settle down. A good minute passed, than two, Supergirl started to sweat and she unconsciously wiped her forehead. [color=#81CFFF]“Come on, it’s just the proverbial needle in a haystack, shouldn’t be that hard, if I had a magnet.”[/color] Of course all she had was her own recollection of the sound she had noticed and no other tool to help her. She starting concentrating in different directions to pinpoint the remaining towers like a radar. [color=#81CFFF]“Found it!”[/color] Kara shouted as she locked on that particular sound. [color=#81CFFF]“Thank goodness, I better hustle though, not sure how much longer I have!”[/color] Kara homed in on the sound, careful not to fly through any buildings on the way. Her eyes darted all around to locate the shape that should not be present in a city landscape. Finally she found it, right by the John F. Kennedy International Airport. [color=#81CFFF]“You’d think people would have been suspect when they first saw it, but guess they’re too used terrible modern artwork.”[/color] Kara joked before smashing the tower to smithereens while making sure no harm came to the airport. Just in case, Kara quickly started searching for other towers, another one started to tickle her ear. [color=#81CFFF]“Ugh, I knew there would be more of them. Only a few minutes left, got to hurry!”[/color] The city was still in an uproar and the bomb timers were ticking down to a finale the city really didn't want, the day wasn’t saved quite yet.