When Roland let himself sit in the small cave, he very nearly collapsed. He felt as if he had been walking for days upon days, his muscles giving way. He knew it was the fall and the battle, more than anything. He had gone days without sleep before and fought, but never against something so terrifying, and never after having fallen for dozens of feet, hitting various stones on the way down. After a moment however, he grit his teeth and pulled himself up. The bruises and possible broken bones would need to wait. He was a soldier, and he would act accordingly. Getting to his feet shakily, he ran his hands through the pure, clean water that flowed down beside him and Iseldis. He was glad she was here. She was a good fighter, and truth be told he felt she had been far more effective so far in their travels. At least he would be resilient, he thought, with some self depreciation. Once Iseldis had washed the blood off of her and gotten her fill of the water, Roland would step forward directly under the flow, so thirsty was he. The water poured into his mouth and into his thick, brown hair. Stepping out, he dripped like a dog that had just been out in the rain, and shook his body and head like one as well. Wiping the hair out of his eyes and doing his best to fix it, he coughed. "You're right, we should keep moving. Let's just eat a small bite first to get our strength back." he told her, fishing into his pack to produce some jerky to eat. He knew if they wanted to survive down here, food and water were the most important things. He also refilled both of their canteens/water sacks so they would have plenty of water later on...if there was a later on. [@Luminosity]