Ruler's name: Korvlin Oculus Ruler's Title: The High Emperor, ruler of the Savenro Island. Ruler's Appearance: He has a flowing black cloak, with small maroon insignias on his chest. His crown has several Red gems, carefully put inside a golden crown. His shoulders are covered in large tassels, with the same red design. Island description (or picture if possible): The island has mountain like terrain, making defenses easier. Once you go past the mountain range, you’ll be greeted by small hills. The climate is comparable to Greece’s, very Mediterranean. The ecosystem is dominated by large frogs and toads, which the people use as mounts, but royalty prefer horses. Archipelago faction: Neutral-the The emperor does not engage in warfare, Or at least, tries to avoid it. Unique metal of the island: Ovka, a lumpy iron like metal found in the mountains of the Savenro. It’s very tough, used to create swords and amour especially because it’s very cheap to mine. Starting settlers: A Large Victorian like middle class, and a small noble group.