[I]'This whole thing is highly suspicious…'[/i] Ito had kept quiet through most of the explanation as he was still trying to comprehend the situation as a whole. One minute he was bleeding out in a back alley and the next he was told that he was to be a great hero and save the world, to top it all off, he was the youngest assembled which already gave a mild case of anxiety. Looking down at the bow in his hands he couldn't help but feel like this was a super familiar scenario that he had read in a manga somewhere. A sword, a spear, a shield and a bow. The weight of the bow felt appropriate in his hand almost as if it was meant to be held by him. While the king prattled on Ito tugged the bow string and gave it a twanging pull getting a feel for the tension it had. It took the mention of a party formation for Ito's attention to be perked back into the room. Looking around at the room full of adventurers Ito wondered if this was going to be anything like gym class and Ito be the last chosen. Surprisingly a fox boy changed sides and stood behind him with a sly grin as if he knew something Ito didn't. A silent nod was exchanged between the two as Ito's cold eyes scanned the room for others who might join him.