[u][i]Nikki Biyung.[/i][/u] Just another usual day of this crap. Nikki was in the middle of history class, getting one of the most boring lectures of all time. Well to be honest with herself, all of them were boring, and getting sent to detention for something she, probably, didn't do only made this time in school much less enjoyable. Like she usually did, she was tinkering with some bugs. She had flies positioned in various parts of the school. The detention room, their secret lair, the principal's office... Etc, etc. While flies don't have vision clear as humans, their compound eyes allow them to pick up moment much faster than humans - In fact the reason why they're so hard to swat is that people virtually move in slow motion to them. Thus, the very moment that someone entered the lair ([i]Man, we need to give that place a name[/i]), Nikki knew. Surely enough, a group of people were forming. Enough to warrant going down there. Class was ending soon, which was fortunate, since Nikki has good work to do. Instead of skipping to the next class, Nikki immediately ducked away from the crowds and sneaked her way straight to the secret lair. Any cameras she passed inconveniently got a spider or a few cockroaches crawling on their lens. She made haste getting to the basement, then she entered the detention room, and moved that little grandfather clock, before climbing down into the lair. Before she entered. Euan was being himself. "Sgt. Glory" the boy she thought was a cliche fool, was sitting down nonchalantly. Seb was doing whatever. But what really caught her attention was the interactions between Naomi and Farah. It was apparent that Naomi was a little bent over the incident that took place a few days back where a little... "Bad information" caused the group to run into a gang of meta-humans with super strength, when they were supposed to be taking down four thugs. Thankfully, super-strength could do little to counter a swarm of bugs from covering them from head-to-toe biting them (It took a [i]lot[/i] of restraint to stop them from crawling into their orifices...). The only thing was that Euan got hurt during the fight. Which has been the cause of a bit of animosity against Farah. Some say that she's unreliable, and the other says it was a little mistake. Nikki knew that she slides onto the latter's side of the scale. However, Nikki really thinks that a leader should be elected, Farah isn't a leader, she's just mission control. Nikki would make a great leader... If she wasn't lacking in the social area. Still, there's only two people really qualified for leadership; Nikki herself, and Naomi. Euan was too hotheaded. John was too much of a boyscout, naive, and weirdly patriotic. Seb was too detached from the rest of the group and his personally changes the moment he changes... For the worst. Nikki was probably the most experienced, being a vigilante when she was younger. Nonetheless, Nikki figured that she try to defuse the situation. Before it escalates. "Naomi, cut her a break." Nikki says, walking up to Naomi and putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned to the screen and looked at it. Terrorist attacks, and criminals breaking free. What a great city to live in! "Most of these are out of our league, and you know we can't leave the school without getting into worse trouble. We'll have to let someone else handle these..."