[h1][center][color=fff79a]THE LAST END[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/5ca5/i/2014/094/e/b/steampunk_concept_by_tyleredlinart-d7czbvr.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f7941d]How many times have people said that it's the end of the world? Well now, it's the real deal. Humanity has reached scientific heights, and yet somehow, everything else seems to be going backwards. Monarchy is regaining control over democracy, civil unrest has spread like an epidemic. Once fertile lands have eroded to barely more than crumbling rock. Medical discoveries have been spread so thin, that the crowded populace is safest wearing masks. Everyone has had everything for so long, that there's nothing left. Pirates patrol the skies for unsuspecting airships to raid. Some nobles are trying to restore order for peace, for fame. Others are pestered and worshipped as potential saviors, as if their gold could be traded for boundless water, their once rich clothing restoring beauty and functionality to now barren land. Still others are abandoning ship, restarting their lives as one of the mundane in a new land, perhaps another planet. How does Mars sound? I hear it's nice there in the winter. [i]Perhaps you could be the one to save us all...?[/i] Or don't. It's really up to you. [/color] [hr] Welcome to the Hunger Games! Just kidding. Kind of. Just looking for some interest, and if there's at least four people interested I'll start an OOC.