Heeding her warning Pylia preemptively had her dagger out and moved forward. Things seemed quiet enough but soon they’d stumble upon the sight where they heard the noise. Pulling you aside, Pylia hide behind a bush as you two watched what was happening. It appeared to be a small cart being pulled by two donkeys, however a tree had fallen and struck one of the Donkey’s while at the same time, caused one of the wagon wheels to break. Getting out of the cart was a strange squat looking fellow, with bright red hair and a large bushy bread. You might’ve never seen someone like this before, but it was almost unmistakable. This man was a dwarf. In the cart was another dwarf, but with short hair blond hair and no beard, who seemed to just be sitting. The dwarf grumbled a bit as he went to look around but soon there was a piercing screech that echoed through the woods. You could see the dwarves man take out a large crossbow from his cart, loading an arrow as he watched carefully. And from the forest, at least seven goblins jumped out, each armed with a wicked looking curved sword. One of the goblins looked bigger than the others, with a dark complexion and a wicked spike shield. “Goblins!” Pylia cursed quietly. “We need to help that dwarf!”