Sylvia was caught by surprise by Pylia for a moment, but she did move behind the brush and hid with Pylia. She watched as the both of them studied the scene. The two people were...dwarves? Huh.... Before she could even think more on that, the goblins appeared and attacked. One of the goblins looked bigger than the others. Perhaps that was the leader? Hearing Pylia cursed, Sylvia whispered back, "Then what are we waiting for?!" Sylvia wasn't sure if this was the right place or situation for the Dragon Spit...she was thinking of saving it for larger hordes of goblins. But it may be good to have if they get overwhelmed. Seven against three or four... She decided to hand the Dragon Spit to Pylia and whispered "Here. Just in case. I'm going in," She'd rather not have the explosive while she's in close quarters combat. She then moved to strike the larger goblin with her quarterstaff and an unarmed strike.