[hider=Inquisitor Chihiro Aozaki] Name: Inquisitor Chihiro Aozaki Age: 312 Race: Naga Appearance: [hider=Natural Form] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/011/023/027/large/jy-choe-hix-11.jpg?1527479123[/img] [/hider] [hider=Disguised Form] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788583519027200/559187731268370472/4765d21c262579a9cb4126f679e69da2.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: From her childhood and as a byproduct of her magic, Chihiro is a very strong personality that tends to act with authority and decisive action. Despite her long life, relative to most everyone, she approaches life with a zeal and curiosity one could only imagine for the most dedicated scholars or most inquisitive children. This leads her to travel and get into many events and situations, giving her a wide breadth of knowledge. Her faith in herself and her order creates a nearly obsessive desire to root out and eliminate enemies and evil. She wishes to bring people to her side by showing them the strength of her will and the kindness of her help. She follows her order's tenets, but they allow for a certain amount of flexibility to respond to changing times and situations. Chihiro is not opposed to violence at all and will even interrogate as necessary to obtain information. Her truth venom helps in this endeavor. She hates lying and hiding the truth from others. Those that consistently lie to her will find themselves tied up, dosed with truth venom, and interrogated until they tell her what she needs to know. Harming innocents is absolutely disallowed around her. Forcing innocent and/or good people to do things against their will, like slavery and indentured servitude, will bring her ire down upon the perpetrators. She never accepts money for her services but will graciously accept other gifts. Chihiro will go out of her way to help a friend and gives them gifts often. She will also refuse any sort of nobility, title of similar weight, or land given. She has no interest in serving anything but her order and own will. She does not view evil as a permanent state under most circumstances. Any evil that can be redeemed and brought back to the light of good will be helped and taught to become good once more. Any evil that cannot change or refuses redemption will be eradicated. If she cannot save someone, she will avenge them. Her inability to age, constant traveling, and lack of ties to any location but her monastery leads Chihiro to view romantic attachments as fleeting. Lovers will die eventually or the love will fade. She views this as a natural cycle of the world and expects her lovers to understand that. She also has no qualms about more than one lover. After all, love is fleeting and should be enjoyed as it comes. Bio: Born to a naga inquisitor in a monastery hidden away in the mountains surrounding the Abysal Valley, Chihiro spent the first 62 years of her life training to become an inquisitor of the order. Her order, the Flores Sororibus Serpentis (Sisters of Serpent Blossoms), follows a code of conduct that many would find unusually active. This leads to their members leaving and working in the world often. Since all are nagas, only death by means other than time can claim them, so the inquisitors are eternally moving and trying to make the world and ideal place. Chihiro took the tenets to heart as she developed into an adult. She trained with weapons and her own magic, honing herself into a warrior of good. As a young girl, she heard of the massive war and the aftermath. She never saw it herself, but this further solidified the need of her order's intervention in her mind. Her training doubled as she desired to become a veritable one woman army of good. Once she was old enough and had become strong enough to transcend the title of Sister and become a full inquisitor, Chihiro left her home to explore the world. She would come back as time presented itself, but she always left soon after to resume her work. Her travels took her around the entire land, leading her to gain a massive store of knowledge and make and lose many friends. She has been involved in events ranging from small plots to full scale wars. Once her work is done, she silently disappears to the next location. Along the way, she encountered heroes of old and made friends with them. One such man was Jeevak. He was a Gruskan man with a noble goal to help his broken people. Chihiro took a liking to his desires and began helping him with it. They became close friends for a while, but Chihiro saw him change. The desire for reparations and revenge began to eat at her old friend until her lost sight of his goal. She left his company when she couldn't tolerate his extreme goals. After leaving, she resumed her travels and assistance. 250 years have passed since she began her quests and she has become somewhat of an urban legend. Some people recognize her disguised form from stories of old. This led her to have a far easier time in many cases when she needed help or information. This expedited her work, leading her to have a free moment to return to her monastery. So, she decided to head into Kalla. There, she heard about an odd attack on a dancer and a commotion as volunteers were called, so she slipped into the crowd, hoping no one recognized her, and planned her next move. The tenets are simple and the first lays groundwork for the others: 1. Act in the world with flexibility and dignity. 2. Spread good anywhere you can, helping those in need. 3. No individual is innately worth more or less than another. 4. Evil is a blight that can be redeemed or destroyed. Always redeem before destruction. 5. Innocent life is precious. Do not kill or harm innocents. Any harm must be repaired directly by the one who harmed. 6. Free will and equitable distribution of resources leads to stability and cohesion. Do not suffer a tyrant nor allow people to go without the means to survive. 7. Be a shining example of what can be achieved. Act with dignity, kindness, wisdom, and swiftness. Do not neglect your body, mind, or appearance. Equipment: Dual Korean Fighting Fans: Mastercrafted and adorned with beautiful etchings, gilding, and feathers that conceal the blades within, a gift after she became an inquisitor and often coated in her neurotoxin Barbed Chigiriki: Flail with barbed chain and head to entangle and strike enemies while ripping flesh Feathered Spears: Carries a quiver full of them, heads are sharp with two backward facing barbs to make removal increase damage to the target. The feathers impart spin and stability in flight. Abilities: Ageless: Following full maturity, naga cease to age physically, so until another means of death comes, they will continue living. Shapeshifting: Naga can innately shapeshift between a fully humanoid form and their true naga form at will. Clothing can be altered in this change, though it reverts to its original appearance if removed. If desired, the naga may retain their fangs and venom. Fanged Serpent Venom: Naga canines are elongated and have small tube structures in them. Above their soft palate and nestled behind their molars are five venom producing glands. This venom varies in use and potency among naga and more than one venom type can be present. Chihiro's venom either produces an effect similar to a truth serum or will act as a potent neurotoxin that induces short term paralysis. The toxin does not progress to stop major organs, so the victim remains alive. "Divine Power": While not actually divine, naga magic focuses upon force of will and faith in oneself rather than material components. A naga that is demoralized or otherwise has their confidence broken finds magic harder to perform. If the naga ceases to believe in themselves at all and lose interest in exerting their will upon the world, they will cease to access their magic. The reverse is also true. A naga's magical power grows with their belief in themselves and the force of their will. Restoring a naga's faith and confidence will return their magic. Extra notes: Due to her size in natural form and polymorph retaining the strength from her natural form, she is physically much stronger than most races. Her magic increases her own abilities and capabilities or self-heals. It is mostly transmutation type magic with a couple abjuration type spells to provide barriers. [/hider]