[hider=Garuth Stone-Singer] [b]Full Name:[/b] Garuth Stone-Singer [b]Age:[/b] 119 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] April 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Place of Birth:[/b] North Izmol [b]Race/Ethnicity/Species:[/b] North Izmolan Fork-Tailed Phoenix [b]Height:[/b] 2'6" [b]Wingspan[/b] 7'1/4" [b]Weight:[/b] 9 1/2 lbs [b]Plumage Color:[/b] Primarily a [color=AB3900]deep maroon[/color], speckled with [color=AB8F00]more neutral[/color] [color=AB6400]browns[/color] to complement it. His belly is covered in feathers that are mostly a [color=DF6F00]bright ochre[/color]. All assuming he's not currently on fire at the moment. [b]Eye Color:[/b] [color=23A523]Green[/color] [b]General Body Description:[/b] Avian, a bit small for what he is but he's still an eagle-sized bird. Even when he's not actively on fire, which is a bit touch-and-go with him, he's still quite [i]hot[/i] to the touch, and being on fire comes with the expected results of being on fire. As his species name implies his tail splits into two distinct forks, which might help identifying him out of a crowd of local pigeons. Either that or his fiery coloration might do it. [b]Typical clothing style:[/b] Fire [b]Birthmarks:[/b] None [b]Tattoos:[/b] N/A [b]Scars:[/b] N/A [b]Picture (link if available):[/b] Sorry, not much of a picture person [b]Personality:[/b] Garuth has the sort of proud, self-assured personality you might expect from someone who can light themselves on fire at will. He's vocal, exuberant, and wants to share his greatness with the rest of the world in the one way he knows how: strutting his stuff, and given that he has all the fear and anxiety of an immortal firebird, he is [i]always[/i] strutting. Nothing can stop Garuth, at least not in his mind, not man nor beast nor tree nor the world itself can challenge his superiority. The only star that shines brighter than he is the sun and it's a pretty close race, he'll be taking first place soon enough. Everyone around him? Friends, foes, they all exist just to help him shine brighter and achieve that potential. On the other hand, friendship ought be repaid in kind, and friends should glow a bit more for every little bit of help they give, right? And foes should be pushed back into the dark. That's how the world of Garuth works, and does any other world even matter? [b]Quirks:[/b] His favorite flavor of coal is anthracite, but did you know that berries are even better than flammable material? They have all of these complex flavors that you wouldn't even believe. Don't feed the bird sugar. He usually writes with flames to communicate with people who are not also birds. [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*]Very good at not staying dead [*]Not only can he be on fire whenever he wants to be, his talent for that is matched only by his incredible talent at ceasing to be on fire [*]Incredibly talented lithobraker, likely nobody else in the world has as much experience as he [*]Notable talent as a pyromancer, though very little theoretical understanding. It understandably comes to him naturally [*]He might be the luckiest bird to have ever lived [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*]Water. Sure he can boil some water off by his nature but he's the size of an eagle and a bathtub is the size of a bathtub. The bathtub full of water will in fact win. And underwater ashes have some notable difficulty lighting back up into a bird. [*]An excessive fondness for the Icarus maneuver [*]He weighs 9 1/2 lbs, pretty sure that's some kind of weakness [/list] [b]Domicile:[/b] Divinos [b]Aspirations:[/b] [list] [*]To outshine the sun, of course. [*]To leave a mark on the world, whatever that mark may be [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] How did an airheaded firebrand like Garuth get to Erstwhile, you might wonder. The answer may surprise you with its simplicity, but it really shouldn't. Garuth isn't really an [i]idiot[/i], even if a lot of the time he fails to pay attention to things other people regard as important, because to him they just lack that significance. He [i]can[/i] still manage to do things if he focuses on the subject, and he is still a marvelous pyromancer for his age. But a lot of it does come down to age; he's quite young for a phoenix and spent a very small portion of his life living through the Never-Ending War, so he lacks much of the more hostile dispositions of his closest brethren on the subject. He can manage to go on in and [i]not[/i] glare at every human or elf that he passes by because they remind him of the war. Luck was on his side in birthing him at the right time to bridge that generational gap. It took his side in getting him invited. And it took his side in placing him amongst the minds of Divinos, a place where his greatness could go on to inspire the minds and eyes of others. What could be more important than showing up and impressing his image upon the worlds of so many, all gathered together? Nothing, that's right. Mastering his innate talent for fire? Pshaw. [b]Extra Info:[/b] [/hider]