Once Lock was properly incapacitated, Carmilla stepped back and turned away to let the tricksters finish their... ahem, internal affairs. She waved ever so blithely to Lillith. "I'll see you at home, my [i]dear[/i] sister. I have some... [i]chores[/i] to finish." Carver gave Carmilla a salute with her one free vine. "Have fun! Be sure to let me know how it went, next week!" With that, she focused back on the task at hand, and poked her captive's hair. "Anybody know how much pink dye we have left? I think I have some of my mother's lipstick in me, too..." The lower lids of her two bottom pairs of eyes lifted upwards to squint in a sly grin, while her topmost eyes widened in glee. "It's the kind that won't wash off without those special make up remover pads. Soap doesn't do shit for it." Lillith seemed to vibrate as she struggled to decide what to do. On the one hand, Carmilla had used the word, "finish," which meant if she hurried, she might be able to haggle her way into avoiding whatever her sister had planned. On the other hand... With Carmilla gone, Lillith [i]might[/i] have the strength and speed to overpower the tricksters and save her boyfriend from-- ...Actually, if she was completely honest with herself, she [i]did[/i] think he would look kinda hot with lipstick that on any level went with his black pleather pants, and if they did manage to hold him down long enough to dye his hair... Well, she could use that as leverage to make him give her a [i]proper[/i] struggle on their next date morning... She nodded to herself quietly, gave Lock one last apologetic(ish) glance, then flew out the window after her sister.