[hr][hr] [center][color=CD5C5C][h1]Evelyn Holder[/h1][/color] [img]https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/16130631/500full-emily-beecham.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Serval Industries, X-Factor Gardner's Office. (2,C) -> (4,G) Skills: Enhanced Condition, Marital Arts[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Evelyn stood there, as she looked down at Quicksilver crossing her arms over her chest as she listened to him as he told them why they were both there in the first place. A genetic splicer if in the wrong hands did sound really bad and seeing that Magneto had his eyes on it and sending his two kids in to retrieve it was back enough. She watched Belladonna taking her gun and shooting him in the leg seeing the bullet cutting through his kneecap Eve flinched a little bit. She then heard Watts over the radio sounding like they were having problems with the Scarlet Witch on their end now. Evelyn then walked over towards Quicksilver using her strength as she brought down her foot down on Quicksilver's already injured leg, shattering it. Evelyn then turned towards his other leg and did the same exact thing, making sure that he wouldn't be able to get up and walk anytime soon. Looking over at Belladonna and Sapphire since they had powers to keep him slowed down for the time being figured they could keep him still. [color=CD5C5C]"I'm going to help Watts and Andrew, you two got him secured?"[/color] Evelyn asked looking over at the two of them, and then over at the frozen door and then over towards Sapphire to see if she could unblock the door for her. [color=CD5C5C]"I'm on my way, just try and hold her off if you can."[/color] Evelyn said over the radio.