[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/008315a6-cdad-450d-a9f0-35304d08c94d.jpg[/img] Name: [color=FFE34C]Adam Flores[/color] [hider=Adam] Age: [color=FFE34C]16[/color] Appearance: Adam is 5’9”. He is Hispanic, and he has shoulder-length dark brown hair, dark brown eyes (until he began/begins to host Ihy, at which point they turn teal), and super smooth skin. He is well-groomed and objectively handsome. He keeps his hair loose or in a bun, and wears higher-end comfortable clothes (e.g., jeans or slacks and well-fitting clothes). Godly parent or what god you will decide to follow the path of and later host: [color=00ffff]Ihy (eye-he)[/color] Powers [color=00ffff]Pathokinesis[/color] - the ability to manipulate and control emotions [color=00ffff]Combat Magic[/color] - the typical stuff [color=00ffff]Shape-shifting[/color] - into a calf Bio: Adam was born in Hacienda Carlota,Chihuahua, Mexico. A few months before his 12th birthday, his mother accepted a job in New York City, and the family of 6 uprooted and moved to Staten Island. Soon afterwards, Adam witnessed the “freak hurricane” on Governors Island, and wasn’t able to evacuate with the rest of the mortals. He realized that he could see glimpses of another layer of the storm that lead him towards the conflict with Setne. He fled when Sadie and Carter arrived, but recognized Carter a few weeks later in passing. He followed him to the Brooklyn House and after a week of not-so-subtly spying on the magicians, Adam was confronted and admitted to what he saw. To make a long story short, he was admitted into the House and began to follow the Path of Ihy. On his 16th birthday, Ihy came to him in his dreams and offered a host alliance. While Adam plays host to Ihy, his eyes are a vibrant teal. Other [color=FFE34C]Likes[/color]: music, playing instruments, singing, any kind of animal, having new experiences, beer [color=FFE34C]Dislikes[/color]: disloyalty, performing, self-righteousness, transphobes, being forced to socialize, wine He values and protects his family above all else. This applies to blood family as well as chosen family. Characters theme song: Familia by Nicki Minaj & Anuel AA (Feat. Bantu) [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Wg2phwM2mI[/url] [/hider]