[hider=Professor Maeve Brigid Byrne] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=86437&s=65&t=M%20%20A%20%20E%20%20V%20%20E&c=cc3300[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39300000/Famke-Janssen-as-Jean-Grey-in-X-men-The-Last-Stand-jean-grey-39335854-500-209.gif[/img] [/center] [center] [color=#cc3300][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] Maeve Brigid Byrne [color=#cc3300][b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b][/color] Professor Byrne, Captain Byrne, Sir [color=#cc3300][b]Age:[/b][/color] 37 [color=#cc3300][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=#cc3300][b]Primary:[/b][/color] Aeromancy [color=#cc3300][b] Professor of: [/b][/color] Aeromancy; Combat [color=#cc3300][b] Secondaries:[/b][/color] Magical Weapons Infusement, Levitation [color=#cc3300][b]Crush:[/b][/color] Someone. Maybe. Bit old for that, yeah? [color=#cc3300][b] Description:[/b][/color] Maeve is a woman of medium height with an atheltic build. She has unkempt red hair, muddy hazel eyes, and freckled skin. The beginnings of crows’ feet and frown lines drag at the corners of her face: Some grew from years of windy battlefields, but most stem from her general distaste for two-thirds of the human race. Her clothing tends to be more functional than anything, and usually consists of gym shorts or leggings, some form of tank top or racerback, and sneakers. When forced to manquerade a civil adult (or perhaps at her own funeral,) she wears a suit. The words [color=#cc3300]“Storm II”[/color] are tattoed over a war banner on her right shoulder blade. Across her chest, there is a monchrome [color=#cc3300] kestrel with spread wings[/color] that reach up to her collarbones. On her left wrist, there is another tattoo of [color=#cc3300]an oval with several concentric rings[/color] inside of it, and the words “Sempre vigilans" inscribed on a banner below it. Across her left side abdomen, there is a wrinkled, misshapen [color=#cc3300]scar about the size of a large hand,[/color] caused by a hasty battlefield cauterization. There are multiple other [color=#cc3300]small, noticeably straight scars scattered across the rest of her exposed skin,[/color] particularly her outer arms. Down her back and over her left shoulder, there is a massive [color=#cc3300]tree-like Lichtenberg figure[/color] that stretches up to the left side of her neck, and all the way down to her thigh. [color=#cc3300][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [color=#cc3300]Master of Aeromancy[/color], specifically as it pertains to winds and atmospheric phenomenon; [color=#cc3300]Agile flight[/color], from a dual use of Aeromancy and levitation; [color=#cc3300]Talented melee fighter[/color], especially in hand-to-hand; [color=#cc3300]Accurate knife-thrower[/color], via the assistance of Aeromancy and MWI [color=#cc3300][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Works best as [color=#cc3300]a team fighter[/color], and is bad at watching her own back; Forms [color=#cc3300]deep bonds with teammates[/color], which make her easily manipulated; Deathly [color=#cc3300]loyal[/color] to her own motives and cause; About as [color=#cc3300]tactless and unsubtle[/color] as the average anvil; Prefers [color=#cc3300]to act on instinct and impulse[/color], choosing to fight before thinking [color=#cc3300][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Foul mouthed and abrasive on her best days, it’s hard to imagine how Professor Byrne came into teaching. Her demeanor comes off as harsh and brutish, and some students feel more like they’ve been dropped into a boot camp than a school while taking her classes. She teaches as if readying her students for a war outside the school doors; whether it be real or imagined. She is standoffish toward most people until given a clear reason to behave otherwise. Her sense of humor is dry and bitter, if not a bit crass. She is loyal to a fault, and will blindly defend her companions, even when evidence is stacked against them. She believes that pressure is the best motivator, and will not shy away from exploiting a student’s weakness to teach a lesson. Experience is a fine teacher: It was good enough for the war generation, and it will do well enough for her class. If tears are the cost for turning a coddled child into a hardened soldier, it is a tax she is willing to collect. [color=#cc3300][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] Maeve was born to the Byrne lineage— A relatively proud, if only middle-class, family of Aeromancers and fowlers. She had a bitter, though stable, relationship with her parents, and a rebellious childhood. She despised traditional mage gatherings and Council-hosted socialite events, but made the best of them by helping herself to the free drinks and occasionally engaging in the good-natured pestering of another teenage mage named Oren. Maeve's carefree youth was interrupted at the age of twenty by the start of the War between Houses. She was completely unpracticed in battle, but a combination of pride and youthful stupidity drove her to enlist regardless. Whatever supposed glamour war may have held was quickly wiped away in real combat, as she paid the cost of watching many teammates her own age die bloody deaths. By coincidence, she ended up fighting back to back with her childhood acquaintance Oren Kovalenko. Byrne and Kovalenko made it through the war by what some would call skill and others luck, and eventually rose through the ranks to serve as a two-woman special ops team known simply as "Storm II," specializing in massive destructive endeavors. The two were also members of an elite strike team, Alpha-Omega, with a reputation for finishing what they started. Maeve gained two to three other close comrades through this team, but generally tried to keep the others at arms' length after watching so many fall. In the years after the war, Maeve served the Council and others doing piecemeal missions that required some extra muscle. She drank, attempted a relationship here or there, but mostly just kept her head above water where she could. When Marchand was founded, Byrne had her reservations about signing onto the faculty. She was eventually persuaded by the mission of the school, and put aside her personal doubts to serve the greater cause. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Mitch Ingram][center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/1532930b2bd673ce92c4f7a60985159b/tumblr_inline_mgj9rbl0lt1rsar57.gif[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Leila Michelle Ingram [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Mitch [b]Age:[/b] 16 (ish) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Primary:[/b]] Runic Casting [b] Student [/b] [b]Secondary of interest:[/b] Magical Weapons Infusement [b]Secondary:[/b] Familiar Conjuring (learned via home tutor) [b] Description:[/b] Mitch is not remarkable in the least, and her actual appearance is often overlooked as most eyes are more drawn to watch her guide companion, Apple, than Mitch herself. When people do manage to look at Mitch, most find her quite average: She has shoulder-length mousey brown hair and medium skin. She is on the shorter and thinner side, but not so much as to be the “most” anything: The curves of her body are slight, when not obstructed by poor posture and loose outfits. Her features are generally soft, and she has a girlish, round face; the kind of face that “could be pretty,” as one of her old schoolmates once said, if she took the time to maintain her looks. Her dark brown eyes typically appear out of focus, as she is legally blind beyond the point of prescription correction. She wears glasses to work at her computer, along with a magnified font. Outside of this, she uses no vision aids, "because it's just different kinds of blurry after ten centimeters." [b]Personality:[/b] Mitch is a young woman of intense cleverness, determination, and social awkwardness. In terms of living with her blindness, Mitch is well aware of her limits, but refuses to accept that they somehow make her less capable. She has a great deal of ingenuity, and uses it to pioneer new ways of doing things and securing independence. Despite this, she is hyper-aware of the opinions of others, and often assumes the worst from what those around her say and do. She claims otherwise, but any indication that someone dislikes her is taken to heart. To compensate, most of Mitch’s life, from friends to hobbies, exists online. She’s an avid and skilled member of the “Hactivist” community, fueled on by an innate sense of justice as well as her father’s career in information technology. Her sense of humor reflects the digital world she lives in, and is mostly made up of biting sarcasm, Internet absurdism, and self-deprecation. [b]Skills:[/b] Has a stable familiar- See below Comprised the entire runic alphabet into keyboard format with the intent of using it for rune-infused infiltration Excellent computer skills; can access almost anything with an internet connection. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Legally blind: Mitch can only see about six inches in front of her face when using maximum correction and a reader’s glass. She is also is not very good at the words and human-type things all the time. [b]Brief History:[/b] Leila was born to a mother and father, though public record shows otherwise: Outside of the magical community and a few intelligence agency servers, she was never born at all. Allegedly, he father was a Computer Science Professor at Oxford University, and her mother was a government accountant. Less on the record, Mr. Ingram worked with [s]redacted[/s] Her mom was around less often, but Mitch is reasonably sure she definitely killed someone, and also probably works for some agency related to hiding monstrous summons. But her mom travels a lot. So, you know. *shrugs.* Aside from the discovery of her disability, she had a relatively constant early childhood, filled with love and doting, if not an unreasonable amount of in-home security measures and middle-of-the-night moves. By the time Leila was seven, her eyesight had grown weak enough that she needed to use a cane or a guide to navigate. Hoping to give her daughter a sense of independence, as well as a companion, Mrs. Ingram tutored her in the art of Familiar Conjuraton. Over the next year, Leila became proficient enough to open a small portal, through which a small creature fumbled. Only, instead of a fluffy or comforting guide, Leila managed to summon a dragon-like abomination with six legs, purple fur, a beetle carapace, insect wings, and two mouths, one inside the other. It bonded on sight, and she named it Apple. Up until Marchand, Mitch’s schedule remained relatively the same: She kept to herself (and Apple) during her free time, studied computers with her father, and developed most of her social connections through the Internet. [b]Other[/b]: Mitch is legally blind, and can only see about six inches in front of her face with maximum correction and a reader's glass. Due to this, she navigates using a guide companion abomination. Her guide is a stable, permanent familiar who goes by Apple. ("Because he's a bit useless, and not all that impressive.") Apple is the size of a small dog, with a dragon-like body shape. He has six legs, and is covered in a thick layer of purple fur. His underbelly features a carapace not dissimilar to that of a cockroach, and he has wings on his back to match. His tail is prehensile and features a barb that can occasionally drip acid when he is excited, and he has two mouths, one inside of the other. He likes to sleep on top of Mitch's feet, and wears a harness that reads "Working animal! Do not pet," while working as a guide. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/427858788398137347/428037386098704384/applememe.png[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Nurse Mariana Guerra-Montana] [center][img]https://iconicfocus.com/wp-content/uploads/PAtriocia-Velasquez_-768x1024.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Mariana Paola Teresa Guerra-Montana [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Mari; But also answers to: Mom; Mommy; MOOOM; We're Out of Milk; Have You Seen My Left Boot; etc [b]Age:[/b] 49 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Primary:[/b] Defense [b]School Nurse[/b] [b]Secondaries:[/b] Toxins and Healing [b] Description:[/b] Mariana is a medium-tall woman with a soft, slightly curvy build. Her facial features are gentle and pretty, if not showing some signs of age, with very expressive brows. She has kind brown eyes, medium olive-toned skin, and wavy black hair that falls to her mid-back when not tied up. [b]Personality:[/b] Mariana is a mother, with the patience and wit to match. She is quick to mentor and take those in distress under her wing, and is always willing to lend and ear or a hug to someone in need. When it comes to protecting her family, she has a fearsome streak parallel to none. No means is too extreme to protect her loved ones, and her morality can become clouded in do-or-die scenarios. [b]Skills:[/b] Strong shield work; ARNP (Advanced Registered Nurse Practicioner); Well-controlled toxin user and healer; trained for combat under Montana; good judge of character; strong willed; expert cleaner of both spilled milk and tears. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Quick to make impulsive decisions when someone is in danger; easily swayed by the well-being of her children. [b]Brief History:[/b] Mariana was born to the Guerra family, a modest Defender line living in Columbia and Miami, known for very little. It is know that she was an active member of Morgana's cult during the early years of the war, and that during this time she married Roderic Montana. They later defected, andany evidence against her and her family was expunged from the record in exchange for their intelligence, cooperation, and service. She worked as a field medic during the war, using both traditional healing and her knowledge as a mundane nurse. In the years after, she moved back to Miami with Roderic to raise their three children and assist her aging mother. She has come to work for Marchand as the head of nursing. [/center] [/hider]