Zyausak nodded back at Lunise. "Yes. Well...I am not entirely sure that she was ever [i]officially[/i] dismissed, but I highly doubt she would be welcomed back here with open arms. She left after disagreements with some tenets of our order." "That would seem quite apparent. Although, I would never have guessed her to have once been a part of the Psijic Order. Aside from her power, she certainly seems to have changed entirely." Meesei commented. "I have seen her lair, heard her philosophy, and it all seems entirely different from the Order. I suppose she has not done so in my presence, but she seems willing to kill innocents without hesitation or remorse. I do not think she places much value on life anymore." Zyausak shifted in his seat, somewhat uncomfortably. "I...am going to have to stop you on that. I simply do not think that is true. I admit, I cannot watch her as closely from here as I can watch you, or most others on Tamriel. She has ways of making herself difficult to observe through scrying. But, from what I do know, she still seems to be much closer than you might think to how she was when she left here. Her philosophy takes the tenets of our order to their most extreme interpretations. The Hal-Neesa I knew loved life, and valued it above everything. But, her...definition of life has changed. She no longer sees death as the ending of life. The soul, a person's essence and identity, persists for potentially eternity beyond death. To her, life simply continues in a different state, in a different place. But, as long as the soul survives, death means little to her. It is how she justifies killing. That, and she wants to elevate mortals to godhood."