Torus watched as the individual made it away from his bite, a low growl rumbling in his chest in his annoyance, so he simply pounced on the individual in an attempt to place his hulking mass between the Axe wielder and his group. Sure, he fur was matted with blood at the moment, but he was not about to let the guy have an easy time getting to those who may be able to deal with him far more in the time to come. As much as he wanted to assist their Paladin, even he knew he had to be careful with prioritizing who could be dealt with with relative ease. Though, it did not help that he seemed to hit far harder than one would wish. Lashing out with claws, the sharp keratin edges sliced into armor, and hopefully flesh. However, it seemed the wielder was still dexterous enough to avoid the bite that was soon too follow, Torus finding his jaws snapping at nothing but air. This alone pulled another growl from between his feline lips, golden eyes narrowing as he planted himself firmly. There was no doubt in his mind he was to lose this form, but it mattered not, for he had another to call upon when the time came. [hider=My Hider] Pounce: Claw - [url=]24[/url]/[s][url=]13[/url][/s] Bite if Stg check failed - [url=]24[/url]/[s][url=]24[/url][/s] -- Stg check was a success Claw Damage - [url=]7[/url] slashing [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]