[b]Character Name:[/b] Maximus [b]Player:[/b] Lemonzest1337 [B]Movie of Origin:[/b] Tangled [B]Additional Sources:[/b] N/A [B]Age:[/b] 5 (roughly 25 for a horse) [B]Reference:[/b] https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Maximus-Tangled-Disney-horse-h1.jpg [B]Personality:[/b] [B]Loyal[/b] - Maximus is loyal to those he cares for, foregoing basically everything else in order to make sure his companions are alright. If you got this horse as a buddy you’ve got a friend for life. [B]Brave[/b] - They don’t say hung like a horse for no reason, and even among horses Maximus has some massive balls. Maximus has little time to spend being afraid, that would take away from ass kicking time and Max can’t have that. This isn’t to say that Maximus is infallible, things like a massive tidal wave or the threat of plummeting to curtain doom are enough to startle this stallion. [B]Intimidating[/b] - Maximus is an intimidating beast. When you walk into a tavern full of barbarians, thieves and murders. And you’re still the most frightening thing in the room. That’s when you know you are one scary mother. [B]Lawful[/b] - As a member of the royal guard Maximus loathes criminals and their dastardly deeds. If Max sees an evildoer casing problems he finds it hard not to step in. Though he can look the other way if he knows that the criminal act is for the greater good (eg prison break). [B]Abilities:[/b] [B]Horse[/b] - Maximus is a horse. You can put a saddle on him and ride him around, he can pull carts too. [B]Stamina[/b] - Maximus has a great deal of stamina being able to run for a good time at high speeds. But when Max runs out of gas it takes a lot of food and time for him to refill his stamina reserves. [B]Strength[/b] - Maximus has a great deal of strength behind him, being able to carry heavy loads and push barbarians out of his way with relative ease. Though while he does have a lot of raw power he can’t apply it in as many ways as a human can, having little to no dexterity due to lack of hands. [B]Sense of smell[/b] - Max has a very keen sense of smell akin to a bloodhound. He is able to track specific people from absurd distances once he has locked onto their scent. [B]Martial training[/b] - While he does lack hands Maximus has shown himself to be rather skilled with a sword. While wielding a blade in your mouth is rather unorthodox Max makes it work. While he is good with a sword he can’t outperform an equally skilled human. [B]Flaws:[/b] [B]Can’t speak human[/b] - He’s a horse. [B]Stubborn[/b] - Maximus is pretty stubborn. If he doesn’t like you he’ll not listen to what you have to say. He may begrudgingly agree with you on things that are reasonable, but what he finds reasonable and what you find reasonable might not line up. But if he likes you then he’s a lot easier to work with. If you’re struggling try apples, Max loves apples. [B]Horse[/b] - He doesn’t have hands, hands are kinda useful. [B]Temper[/b] - Maximus can be a bit of a hot head at times. While it’s rare for him to go off, when he does whoever ticked him off is in for a while ride. [B]Companion(s):[/b] N/A [B]Brief History:[/b] Maximus was born and raised to serve King Frederic and Queen Arianna as a loyal member of the royal guard. And boy did Maximus serve. Max stood out from the other horses, showing extraordinary bravery and devotion to upholding the laws of Corona. Max’s outstanding performance among his peers led to him becoming the head honcho of the royal guard horses, an alpha male of sorts. Keeping his comrades following the orders given out by the royal guard captain. Though his life was thrown into a bit of a loop when he encountered a girl named Rapunzel who had impossibly long hair. Maximus ended up looking after this girl and helping her to fulfill her dream of seeing the floating lanterns the King and Queen. Little did Maximus know that this girl was in fact the long lost daughter that the King and Queen had lost many years ago. And with the help of the thief Flynn Rider, Maximus was able to reunite the royal family. Oh yeah, he also stopped all the crime in Corona overnight.