[h1]WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF MELAKIA[/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570384269088653404/606963984754540566/Melakia.JPG[/img] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This world seems like any other Fantasy setting that you'd imagine. Magic, Monsters, and Fortune are to be found. The wonders of the worlds are there to be found. Endless power and your dreams lie, waiting for you to take it within your grasp, and make it your own. But, we will get to that soon. First, let's pave your way to your dreams... All seems normal. It's in the middle of the Summer months, and the days just tick by. Today is a day just like any other, nothing special. Cities working as normal. Traders and merchants selling and buying various goods. Each of our soon-to-be adventurers living their everyday lives, whatever that may be. The world is, somewhat, at peace. Of course, there are small incidents and fights that happen every now and then, but it's nothing more than people wanting too much, then being knocked down. Although, for only a few people, today would hold events that will change the world, for either the better or much worse. For our Adventurers, it's roughly midday. You all are just doing what comes normally on a Summers day. But, suddenly, you feel a strange energy wash over you... It's strange... You don't feel threatened, or afraid, but calm. Your heart rate slows, and your breathing slows, causing you to stop what you're doing. Then as you are there, in this new/odd serenity, you hear a voice in the back of your head, the voice sounding like that of an Old Man. "Hello. I know this is fairly odd. But I request your presence. The Gods have chosen you lot for a Divine Adventure. I would like you to come to me quickly. I am in the Temple of Castor in Petro. If you don't know the way, trust me, you'll find it. Now, come come. We haven't much time to waste." Then the voice goes silent, and the energy that you felt disappears. Then, you realize that on the ground in front of you, there is a rolled-up Scroll. Upon unraveling this scroll, you see a basic map, which leads directly to the Temple, from your exact location. Now, it is on you all. Do you embark on this adventure? Or do you run due to the fear of the unknown?