Carver made her way up to the tree house to retrieve something, then came down to the lair via the slide. She payed the siblings no mind as she stepped over them and headed over to her xylophone to do her usual pre-practice ready work. A pair of bats flew in shortly thereafter. The younger twin likewise calmly and silently went to take her place by the instruments after transforming. Carmilla leaned over to have a short, quiet conversation with Carver, but otherwise did nothing to bring attention away from the brawl to herself. Lillith was slightly unkempt in her appearance, with a few stray hairs sticking out in odd directions and a wrinkle in her dress that one would expect to have been better ironed out before she left the mansion. Carmilla had remained completely and utterly pleasant the entire week. More so than usual. She had shown absolutely no signs of being angry, which only left Lillith more paranoid about whatever her sister was planning to do to her. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, and as such... She may not have been sleeping very well for the last couple of days. The older vampiress debated breaking up the tricksters. Fighting was a form of affection for them, and she didn't want to attract either of their ire again. But, she had abandoned Lock last week, to no avail; he'd probably be more angry if she didn't at least try to defend him now. "Excuse me, Shock, but could you please let your brother go, so we can start?"