This is a long shot but here goes nothing. [b][i]The Concept:[/i][/b] Not too far in the future prisons have set up a league of several sports which are American Football, Ice Hockey and Boxing (As a group pick either Football or Hockey). The inmates are selected randomly and then put into a sports team which is randomly selected to one of the three sports. In this case it will be either American Football or Ice Hockey. There are two leagues within that sport as well which is the National League where state verses state or area if outside of America. Then there is the International League where the winners from the National League play. The first few years had a men’s only team but when the sport grew really popular a women’s team was made. A year later a mixed team was formed making the League expand. Your team is either: Canada [img][/img] Canada the leading team in the ice hockey events and high ups in the football events. They are the toughest and roughest out of all the teams that play. Russia and Israel are also notable for the way they play. England/UK [img][/img] England/UK have shown there true colours in the last few years and are a team that are built to win, they are one of the teams with a high kill count with Israel, Germany and Japan. France [img][/img] France are level pegged with Brazil when it comes to the football events but also they are not push overs when it comes to the ice hockey events either. Spain [img][/img] Spain are known for there dirty tactics and nasty plays which cause both psychological and physical pain. This sort of play is also seen by Italy, Mexico and Denmark. Brazil [img][/img] Brazil are the show boaters of the football and ice hockey world along side Iceland, Ireland and China. They are level pegged with France as one of the best football teams. Ice hockey is new to them and was only introduced recently so there true colours have not been seen yet. (As a group you need to pick one). The thing is this league has very little rules and so for the most part anything goes and so the death count is high. The fans love it and so do the people who run it, the inmates don’t have a free ride any more as they now have to work. The point is the winning team of that year either get released or have their sentence reduced greatly. This depends on the crime and how well you go along with this idea. This team has 11 players, 6 men and 5 women. There are 5 people on the side line which are used for when someone dies or becomes too injured to play. The players are allowed to add what they want to there football uniform as long as it is melee things. The use of spikes, barbwire are allowed, guns aren’t. Just on a side note being a cheerleader is not easy either and the football or Puck is not made of pig skin or rubber but is made of steel with small spikes all over it and so this game is made to hurt The Warden “I want you to win; I want you to crush, destroy and obliterate the other team. Let’s play some mother fucking football.” So yeah a blood sport RP. Other Info You can go through more than one character but please don’t have someone die every match, they can be really hurt, in a coma or crippled. The idea is to win and survive as long as you can so freedom may only be 3 matches away though you may decide to stay. More will be added if interest picks up, questions are welcome. CS Layout [b][i]Name:[/i][/b] [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] [b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] [b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b] [b][i]Personality:[/i][/b] [b][i]Jail Sentence:[/i][/b] (I don’t want to see everyone with murder, if they did fraud and murder then fine) [b][i]Position:[/i][/b] (Captain, Striker, etc.) [b][i]Defense Type:[/i][/b] (This is to see how much you can take, light armour makes you faster but you can’t take too much and the rest is simple.) [b][i]Equipment:[/i][/b] (Can be anything melee based, no guns. Barbwire, spikes, solid steel plates, etc) [b][i]History:[/i][/b]