Damien smiled and quickly slipped the saddle onto her body. Moving to tie the straps underneath her lower body and made sure the straps weren't rubbing too hard against her scales or legs. "That's not too tight?" He asked her as he stepped away, looking to Orian as he slowly lead Lor over. "I'm Damien, by the way." He said before nodding to his dragon, "That's Orian." Orian let out a laugh-like rumble from his chest as she agreed with his idea. He cut in when she asked about where they were going, [i]"The Orders Sanctuary. Unable to be attacked by the Kings men!"[/i] He said with a wave of his tail. [i]"It's not too far from here, there's enough food for a lot of dragons and there's safety there."[/i] "And Medical supplies." Damien said as he moved over to Lor and wrapped his arm around her chest gently to help her towards Sindra, "Hopefully Kela is there to be able to heal all of this up." He said with a furrowed brow. The footfall got closer, Orian started to get slightly jittery.