[center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/db5fbe56-1a70-4ebd-bb9c-42cc72afd124/ddc5bm0-52f6cbe8-4926-4a26-acda-073372af3464.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RiNWZiZTU2LTFhNzAtNGViZC1iYjljLTQyY2M3MmFmZDEyNFwvZGRjNWJtMC01MmY2Y2JlOC00OTI2LTRhMjYtYWNkYS0wNzMzNzJhZjM0NjQucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.jr2B-FknPRW6aEiUD_3RBHLbPK9S9lY7Kki1c5t530A[/img] [h2]Li’Kalla[/h2] Goddess of Rain MP 16 FP 8 [/center] [hr] Now that she’d gotten far enough from the centre of the Hunter’s eye, Li’Kalla felt comfortable enough to do what she had to. She raised her hand toward the sky and the sparse clouds in the sky all congealed and mixed into a humongous, deep gray mass. It crackled threateningly, dim flashes of light making their way out of the thundercloud. As if on cue, a single blonde-haired Vallamir walked out from the thick bushes surrounding the clearing Li’Kalla had found herself in. She smiled warmly at him, hand still lifted straight upward at the cloud above her head. Truly, these mortals would do just fine. She noted with some disappointment however, when the Valla smiled back, that he had pronounced canines. [color=turquoise]”Child, come closer.”[/color] She commanded, and the Valla obeyed. Once he was in front of her, bowing his head down slightly in sudden shame, Li’Kalla looked him up and down in appreciation and placed her free hand on top of his head. [color=turquoise]”Fate is cruel, child. For if you had been blessed with even one Streak of Divinity, I wouldn’t have done this to you.”[/color] The Valla remained silent for a moment, and then hesitantly looked up at his Goddess, his brown eyes twinkling with an innocent curiosity and admiration that quickly turned to fear once he saw his Goddess’s dark expression. “W-What do you mea-” [b]BOOM[/b] The very earth exploded as mighty lighting came down from the gray skies. A bird passing overhead was burnt to a crisp, leaves were disintegrated and trees were blown back. A wave of electricity spread throughout the Hunter’s eye, washing over every single Vallamir and calling forth those worthy enough to receive the message. And, in the center of the ruined land that had once been a lush clearing, the only things left were a Goddess with a hand stretched toward the gray skies, and the charred remains of what could have easily been sentient or beast. Li’Kalla looked down at such remains, unfazed by the tremendous force she had just withstood. [color=turquoise]”[i]’Follow the rain, heed the call of thunder.’[/i]”[/color] Li’Kalla relaxed and nodded somberly, and the burnt earth beneath her feet twisted and moved to cover and bury the remains of the First Sacrifice. [color=turquoise]”You had a resillient enough brain to withstand emitting such a large-scale message. Unfortunately, your frail body wasn’t built to survive such enormous amounts of energy. Your Sacrifice has served me well, Child.”[/color] And so, Li’Kalla took in a deep whiff of the electrified air, smiled and started walking. Her destination? The ugly, disgusting island she’d stumbled upon earlier. She would conquer those lands and shape them into something worth living in, as an eternal symbol of her power and foresight. [hr] It had been a difficult journey. One thousands of kilometers long, with heavy rain falling on everyone like metal pellets, and while being hunted by predators of all shapes and sizes. Quite a few of Li’Kalla’s herd were lost to the wilderness, but those that remained had proven their superior strength and will. Even if those survivors had no Streaks of Divinity, they had earned their place in the new world Li’Kalla would create for them. Eventually the herd reached the eastern coast of Kalgrun, and Li’Kalla materialized a Bridge for them to cross the channel separating Kalgrun and their new home. The Million Steps, a stretch of solid mist and rainwater, was translucent and yielded slightly to the weight of the mortals, feet sinking into the pliable surface. Still, it was completely safe to tread on, and the vast herd of Vallamir walked on. For many days and nights, weeks on end, they travelled. Their sustenance consisted of no more than rain-water and birds and fish that Li’Kalla offered to them, and so they survived. And at long last, the first Vallamir to step onto the Island was a white-haired gray-eyed male. His eyes lit up brightly upon touching the earth of his new home, and he turned with a grin on his face to his Goddess, who responded in kind with a warm, motherly smile. She walked past the male and turned around to face her herd, her heart racing. [color=turquoise]”My Faithful, let it be known that henceforth all of you with Streaks of Divinity shall be known as Valthumir,”[/color] Li’Kalla explained, furrowing her brow and projecting her voice through the air all the way to the Valthumir and Vallamir at the back of the herd, [color=turquoise]”Guardians of Purity, my Chosen Faithful whose duty it is to ensure the beauty, efficiency and superiority of this new civilization.”[/color] All the Valthumir responded positively. They cried, laughed, cheered, screamed in excitement and some merely smiled and nodded. Li’Kalla extended her free hand toward the herd and motioned for them to settle down, and so they all, Valthumir and Vallamir, quieted down and sat down on the ground and The Million Steps. [color=turquoise]”And those of you with no Divinity in your bodies, the Vallamir,”[/color] Li’Kalla turned her gaze onto those inferior specimens, with colored hair and eyes and wilder traits to their bodies, [color=turquoise]”Know that Faith and Diligence will never lead you astray. You will be productive members of this civilization and no matter your position, your support will allow the Valthumir to carry out their tasks of Purification and Beautification. Hold your heads high as you Faithfully serve the Valthumir.”[/color] Li’Kalla watched the mixed reactions. It was to be expected, no one wanted to hear the truth, especially being a new arrival into the world. But still, some seemed content. [color=turquoise]”In time, you shall see the blessing of having a clear path to follow, Children. It is a blessing your Valthumir brothers and sisters are not fortunate enough to have.”[/color] At those words, the tension in the air dissolved and the Vallamir seemed to sigh in relief. The Goddess of Rain smiled at her herd one last time, [color=turquoise]”Before we begin builing the greatest Civilization this world will ever see, there is a law you must know and follow, no matter what happens. Procreate only with those within your own group, and all Valthumir and Vallamir [i]must[/i] procreate.”[/color] Li’Kalla’s expression hardened for a moment, and the herd grew quiet. Soon, however, she exhaled a deep breath she’d never taken and smiled gracefully, [color=turquoise]”It is time, go forth into your new lands. Explore, settle, procreate within your groups, and advance into the future. Never for one moment stagnate, and always protect your family, neighbours and servants.”[/color] There was a silence. It only lasted for a split moment, and then everyone jumped up and the herd erupted into cheering and joyful laughter and they ran off in groups into the wilderness. Some north, some south, but most east. Li’Kalla looked up at the raincloud she’d dragged all the way from the Hunter’s Eye and chuckled, willing it to disperse slowly and safely and then letting her arm fall back down to her side. It really was a drag, having to keep her arm stretched above her head for weeks at a time. Hours later, When she turned her gaze back to the surface, a few of her herd remained. No more than a hundred, and mostly comprised of Vallamir with a handful of valthumir mixed in. One of them was the one male who was the first to walk on the Island. Li’Kalla stared at him intently, and he returned the gaze. “Goddess Li’Kalla, thank you.” Li’Kalla tilted her head to the side slightly, looking at him with a glint in her eye, [color=turquoise]”What for, Child?”[/color] “For creating us, and giving us purpose. We will not let you down. I, Van’Kalla, shall make sure of it.” The other mortals nearby stopped talking and stared at the male as if he was mad. The air seemed to stay still. A tension so heavy that the self-proclaimed Van’Kalla and his brethren were forced to take a knee, sweating and gasping for air, materialized in the area. The Goddess kept staring at the mortal, examining his perfectly white hair, efficiently shaped body, shining silver eyes… Slowly, a grin broke out on her face, and soon she laughed and the tension in the air disappeared, [color=turquoise]”Hahah! You are brave, Child. Adopting part of my name without my permission would normally be a grave offense to me.”[/color] In the blink of an eye, all mirth left her face and she nodded at Van’Kalla, [color=turquoise]”You shall become the first of many leaders, Van’Kalla. Carry yourself with honor and pride, and do not besmirch my name. Your first task is to take all that remains of the Herd and follow me.”[/color] “Yes, Rain-Mother, at once.” Van’Kalla nodded and immediately turned to his new subjects, shouting at them and getting them ready to follow. [i][color=turquoise]”We will have to work on that title.”[/color][/i] Muttered Li’Kalla. Soon they were walking once more, with Li’Kalla up front followed closely by Van’Kalla, who in turn had 6 Valthumir close behind him. And of course, the 93 remaining Vallamir walked further back, as they felt they hadn’t earned the right to walk so close to the glow and warmth of their Goddess. Where they arrived a few days later was a large, boiling lake, with a prominent mansion standing proud on top of a hill. Li'Kalla winced upon seeing everything in such a pristine state. “Rain-Mother?” Li’Kalla tensed up and sighed, [color=turquoise]”Let’s see… Immaculate One, Cardinal Purity, True Queen-Mother… Any of those is acceptable, Child.”[/color] “As you wish, Queen-Mother. So, what do you wish for us to do?” [color=turquoise]”We will settle here, next to this boiling Lake. In time, you will build a great Temple for me to reside in. For now, however, you shall build your dwellings and live, and I shall turn this Manor into my palace.”[/color] Van’Kalla bowed in respect and turned to leave. [color=turquoise]”Face me.”[/color] Li’Kalla snapped, and Van’Kalla froze and turned around with some hesitation, [color=turquoise]”We shall work on your etiquette, if you are to call yourself a leader. Bow, verbally confirm you’ve understood and then wait for my dismissal. Do it now.”[/color] Van’Kalla opened his mouth as if to protest, but the way Li’Kalla tilted her head back and the manner in which her expression darkened must have made him think twice. He took a knee, lowering his head and closing his eyes. “Understood, Queen-Mother.” He nodded slightly in his submissive position, and Li’Kalla let out a small huff. “You may go, begin your work at once.” In a flurry of movement, the Valthumir stood straight and went straight to his group, most of whom were now exploring and entranced by the boiling lake. Once no one was watching her anymore, Li’Kalla rubbed her temples and sighed, [i][color=turquoise]’I definitely need help teaching proper etiquette to these mortals.’[/color][/i] [hider=Summary] Li’Kalla finds herself far enough from the center of the Hunter’s Eye to comfortably gather her share of elves and decides to do so by creating a huge raincloud that’d cover adozens of kilometers in diameter and be easily visible from far away. As if on cue, a blonde, brown-eyed Vallamir pops by to see Li’Kalla, and she decides to use him as a catalyst for emitting a message to Vallamir across Kalgrun. Most White-haired, gray-eyed Vallamir receive the message and head for the sound of thunder that echoes throughout the land when Li’Kalla fries the unfortunate Vallamir emitter. Once gathered the group travels for weeks to reach Li’Kalla’s Island, with her having to help provide for food and water along the way, as well as making a bridge out of mist and rainwater for them to cross the sea. Upon arriving at the Island she gives a small speech and gives physical traits of purity the name of Streaks of Divinity, and names those with such Streaks of Divinity as Valthumir to separate them from the regular Vallamir. Finally she lets the herd disperse across the land. Some stay with her and she leads them to where her old home is located. They settle there. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] MP 16 FP 8 Used 1 MP to send a telepathic message to her share of Vallamir via brain-frying of a single Vallamir she used as a catalyst. USed 2 MP to creathe The Million Steps, a bridge made of mist and rainwater connecting Li’s Island to the eastern coast of Kalgrun. Remaining= MP 13 FP 8 [/hider]