[b]Username[/b]: JrVader [b]Name[/b]: Alexandra Tucker [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Native or visitor[/b]: Visitor from the Kalos Region [b]Appearance[/b]: She looks Just like Lucian, being his sister. She has the same grey hair and red eyes, but instead of having her hair short and wearing a cap, she has it flowing down to her ankles. Alexandra usually wears a red shirt bearing the Tucker family crest, a red and black striped skirt, and sandals. [b]Pokémon[/b] (max 3): [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjI1Iv1ve_iAhVtqlkKHfM7DagQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbulbapedia.bulbagarden.net%2Fwiki%2FLucario_(Pok%25C3%25A9mon)&psig=AOvVaw3Rmc6gO2wjIp-x_d1lWSMN&ust=1560825367658942]Lucario[/url] [url=https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjvy9K1vu_iAhWKq1kKHahHAKMQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbulbapedia.bulbagarden.net%2Fwiki%2FCharizard_(Pok%25C3%25A9mon)&psig=AOvVaw0T8jAOu8j9L_NFxaABUAed&ust=1560825549434669]Charizard[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: She is very much an entitled prick. She acts like she is higher than everyone else and is very prideful of her family name. If you even somehow disgrace it, she will challenge you to a Pokemon battle. [b]Background[/b]: Alexandra Tucker was born with a silver spoon in her hand. Her parents knew she was destined for greatness. Since she was the eldest, it was her destiny to become the head of the Tucker estate and company. That kind of power got to her head and inflated her ego. She loves Pokemon, and always strives to be the most powerful Pokemon trainer in her family. But the Pokemon sensed her ego and power hunger, and tend to stray away from her (She only has her two Pokemon becuase she got them at birth). Because of this, she was always envious of Lucian, who got along with Pokemon as if he was one. So, Alexandra treated Lucian like crap. Always belittling him. Once Lucian disappeared, his parents worried, like any parent would, but his sister did not. She saw him as another obstacle out of the way. [b]Other[/b]: She is out looking for Lucian on her parents orders, that's it.