[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"[/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c] Chapter 3 opening day, Saturday., Hephaestus Manor. Atlas mountains. Old starboard pub [/color][/centre][/h3] [hr] [color=f26522][b]Sol City return and changed times[/b][/color] [hr] Marinalia,s return from Jamaica, a detour via the US coast and a few changes, especially in her mind set and the news Paige gave of the end of Bob, had freed a few weights. Xia had changed a few things though it seemed FBI grade interrogation was a family maternal trait there! A few of those changes where a little different when she woke up at the Manor that morning became obvious when reached out half asleep finding an empty pillow having got used to a warm, curvy and spicy presence over the two ish weeks they spent in Jamaica. It was... Comforting? The descriptive word would not just fit and she had consulted a thesaurus! Though a short time together some things were easy to enjoy. Small intimacies, cuddles, a kiss good morning. It did not need to be big, crazy or fancy meals out. The week or so was normal... Ish. Her 100J training was going well, and the tome like flight manual was sat finished on the side, least for her first reading. Getting back to her old self, a trip to the pool, 5km later helped work off of anything she put on thanks to the rich food on holiday. Her pilots uniform, tailored jacket and skirt making the most of her athletic yet curvy figure was not very forgiving when it came to overzealous indulgences. A quick message to Xia made her thoughts clear how she felt about colder mornings, yes they by most people reckoning, well barely knew each other, a whim or Marlin flip flopping. But somehow it worked... Who knew how the heart worked. It was easier to follow it though. Her girlfriend made her happy, at this point those against could stick the heads in front of her propellers at take off power. Would it last? Who knew. Might as well just have fun, be happy and enjoy the good things in life while you had them. ... Jumping clear of the stream and bringing her horse to a tight turn and avoiding a tree bringing the mount to a more gentle trot as she watched out from a clearing. The views of the city where impressive up in the Atlas mountains, glittering lakes and mountains towering above, forests and logging trails that wound their way up through the mountains towards the mountains proper where things got more wild and untamed. Light streamed into the clearing and the woods thinned offering a panoramic view of the city below, it definitely was not on the normal riding trail but worth the effort to get there, unhindered, and entirely hers for a short time among the older unlogged woods. Horse riding was similar to flying in its own way, she was free, it had come easily back to her as she made a slight pull on the reigns turning back to follow the stream edge back. Once the route cleared Marinalia pulled a little harder picking up speed and jumping a fallen tree, hooves kicking up dirt and her tied back hair flying in the morning breeze, gleaming back riding boots polished to a shine and her flight jacket keeping her warm. Spring had started, but still was not what you would call warm. Smiling as she passed a photographer out enjoying the morning too, if they caught jump it probably would have been a good shot. Still all good things reached an end as she rode into the stables, dismounted and began to clean off what left of there little morning adventure. ... Swapping out her slightly muddy trousers into an above the knee skirt, shiny black riding boots after a quick wipe down and a cute T shirt with a sea gull design from Jamaica under her warm and rather comfortable flight jacket, brown leather a tad faded and aged in places but well cared for, gold wings glitterin, numerous patches and a UK flag proudly just below her shoulders. OK a tad showing off, but it looked good, a small tease of well toned knee and upper leg visible, and her closely fit boots emphasising her hard earned figure and legs. Undoing a hair tie and shaking her long blonde hair free back into some sort of an order with a quick brush and a small mirror in the stable changing rooms. Feeling a pang from her stomach that was a sign breakfast was a while ago and she had a fairly active morning. Lunch definitely was high on the to do list. The Old Starboard always had a fairly decent meal. no real fuss or fancy bit then. Food was filling and tastes good. Just like a prior time, though her skirt and jacket where not a slightly girly pink this time and a fair bit more elegant and grown up. Thoughts of a passing aquitience, well he was a nice guy, hope he was going alright. Probably drowning in exams or so, Ren? Yeah Ren. Abit... Odd at times but nice in own way. Finding her white Land Rover Discovery sat in the carpark, though a little more dirty thanks to her trip up to the Atlas mountains, a turn of the key, the engine started with a throaty roar as ever. Her bag with helmet and dirty clothes tossed casually into the passenger footwell next to her handbag. Next stop Lunch. Arriving at the pub and parking up on the rough gravel car park behind the pub, finding a safeish corner spot to protect her 4x4. Traffic was not too bad for a Saturday. Well sol Traffic wise anyway. Finding a comfortable booth inside to relax slightly and rest her legs. Horse riding certainly was an exercise she was not fully used to. Placing an order for a light but filling lunch and a pot of lady grey, it brought back a few memories, though if they were good. Bad or in between was rather debatable.