Garuth took another lazy loop in the sky as the bell rang before he took note of the strange landbound person who seemed to be watching him and inviting him. She was so [i]tall[/i], a mountain among humanoids on a mountain among mountains. But that just made it easier to spot her—he was pretty sure it was a her, she didn't seem too extravagant so that was a point in that direction—so he started to fly on down, pulling his wings in and just letting gravity take charge. As he approached, he spread out his wings and began to slow down, aiming to make a perfect, discrete landing... Problem was that a nice pretty landing like that, from air straight to shoulder, was something more accessible to a creature much lighter, smaller, and more acrobatic. He tried to slow down enough to land nice and gently, but it wasn't really enough. He recognized [i]that[/i] much, and rather than let his talons sink in to the kind lady's shoulder, a few desperate, quick flaps of his wings redirected his path, cutting out his speed and stalling him in the air, to predictable results: He slipped through the air and hit the ground at her feet, a ruffle of feathers and soft flesh tangled up before the harpy. He managed to squawk after that landing though, announcing himself, so at least it wasn't a dead bird at her feet. It would only be a few seconds though before he would start straightening himself up, standing on his own legs and looking up at her expectantly as if nothing was wrong. [@SmokeDragon]