[right][h3]Khulbe's Palace - Nima Tarkona[/h3][/right] [hr] Nima sat with her friends as they watched one of Kade Ritgar's Holodramas. It was his first series that catapulted him into fame and a favorite among the girls. She knew all the episodes, as did the rest of her troupe, so Nima watched without really seeing what was going on. She was tired. She hadn't been sleeping well since her conversation with Jast. Nearly every evening had been plagued by her memories of when she was taken and the young twi'lek female woke up those nights in terror. The company of the other slave girls was a welcomed distraction from her mind and it brought her enough calm to even rest. Her eyes started to drift shut and she curled up on the couch in common area, resting her head on Ehottecri's shoulder. A soft touch on her forearm caused her to open her eyes again, except the scenery was different from when she first closed her eyes. The sun was setting, illuminating the room with a soft orange glow, and the projector was playing a scene from an episode that was further along in the series. About 4 episodes to be exact and with each lasting about an hour long, it meant she had been sleeping for a while. Nima turned her head, her cheek sliding against the smooth surface of the other woman's shoulder, and found herself looking into the familiar blue eyes of her Togruta friend. It was her touch that woke the twi'lek. "Why did you let me sleep so long?" "It seemed like you needed it." she replied softly. "You don't seem to be getting much rest lately." "No… I haven't." the twi'lek admitted, but Ehottecri didn't press her further. Every slave has their own story to tell, a burden they all carry. Some share more easily than others, but most don't ask how they got there. The stories all lead to the same ending, they just have to make the most of their position and not dwell on "what ifs". At least, that is what Nima and Ehottecri were taught and try to share with the other girls. "Thank you." "Of course." The two women brought their attention back to the projector, but it was soon interrupted by the messenger Alynia. The short brown haired woman seemed to be looking for her again. "It's a good thing you girls are nearly always together. It makes my job easier. Zura wants you two to meet her at her office." "Thank you Alynia, we'll go there right now." Ehottecri nearly jumped off the couch as she spoke, barely able to contain her excitement. The two women didn't bother asking for details as they knew a messenger wouldn't be given any. Security is tight in the palace, no unnecessary information is ever given and only a few trusted individuals ever know the whole picture behind any one event behind these stucco walls. "Hurry Nima!" The red Togruta woman didn't even bother to look behind her to see if Nima followed. While romances are strictly forbidden for a slave, especially those of their status, they still happen. She was just glad her friend found romance with the head of security rather than a regular staff member or even worse, a guest. The punishment for it in those cases would be much more severe were it to be discovered by Master Khulbe. Nima followed Ehottecri at a slower pace, her bare feet lightly tapping on the white marble floors. She wasn't even going to bother with stopping for sandals before going to the meeting. It wasn't a formal event and both women were dressed for a lazy day. A soft smile spread across Nima's face as her friend excitedly led the way to Zura's office. ------ Ehottecri slowed her step and regained her composure as they approached the hallway that led to Zuras office. If Nima was honest with herself, she actually preferred Zuras office space to that of Khulbes. The Hutts own place of business was larger, tended to be suffer from a draft, and was boasted so many windows that you might often think you were floating in the clouds. It had been fascinating the first couple of years, an amazing feeling, but now it just made her stomach churn at the thought of the long fall. Zuras office, attached to Khulbes by a hidden door, was considerably smaller and designed for humanoids. The Hutt could fit through the main door, and a couch for his use stood to one side, but otherwise it was designed for bipeds who liked to sit on comfy chairs. Zura looked up from her holopad as the dancing girls arrived and her skin immediately shifted to a warm red colour and a wide smile crossed her face. "Come in! Come in!" She waved to the two plush chairs across from her desk. Ehottecri swiftly sat in one, crossing one knee over the other and leaning forward, tracing a finger along her bottom lip. Nima smiled and sat in the other chair, nodding to Zura. "Well ladies, it seems we get to go on a bit of a holiday, courtesy of the boss of course." She had a mischievous smile that she turned on Ehottecri as she spoke. "It seems Khulbe is sending us to meet with Mr. Ritgar when he arrives in system." "All of us?" Nima asked. She was sure there would be a bit of rush for that shuttle. "No, just the three of us." Zura replied, her eyes dancing. "We're going to have you two check out the new Scarifs Line and I'm to report back to Khulbe. He thought it might take us a day or two so we'll be staying overnight." Ehottecri clapped her hands with glee and then reached over to squeeze Nimas hand. "A holiday! I've never been away from the palace without an escort." "I am your escort, so make sure you behave." Zura growled, only partially kidding. They all knew Khulbe would exact a terrible vengeance on Zura if something happened to his prized slave girls. "Khulbe wanted to send more but Mr. Ritgar said no. So it will be us, the shuttle will take us up and then come get us as soon as we're done. Now go pack. We leave in a couple of hours when Ritgars ship arrives." With their hands still claspped together, Nima used their connection to drag Ehottecri from the room. "Yes Ma'am. We'll leave to pack right now" she spoke as they passed through the door frame. "See you in a few hours Zura!" The door closed behind them with a satisfying [i]woosh[/i] that left them feeling compelled to run back to their rooms. Both women still had their hands intertwined as they ran through the halls, head tails trailing behind them in the wind. Laughter started to bubble between them as both women realized that they were being granted their own form of freedom. Even though they were being chaperonned, Ehottecri would be able to spend time with Zura as she wished, free from the sharp, unrelenting gaze of Khulbe, while Nima got to taste the outside world. The thoughts that ran through both women's heads would guarantee them punishment if they were to be found out, but only one of them would end up with a taste that could very well guarantee severe punishment. ----- Nima stood in front of the hangar blast doors waiting patiently for the other women to arrive while a utility droid carried her small trunk filled with enough belongings for a two night trip. The young twi'lek wore black wax covered skin tight pants and a metallic gold deep v-neck top with thin straps that hung loose and stopped at her hips. The whole outfit reflected light so that she practically glowed underneath the lights of the hallway she was standing in. She stood about 3 inches taller than normal because of the heeled black boots she wore to compliment the outfit. The first to join her was Ehottecri, who wore a nice short sleeved cocktail dress with a bare back. A droid also carried her belongings as it tailed her. "Did you pack everything you needed?" Nima asked the other woman. "Probably enough for a two night trip. Better to be overly prepared than be underprepared." Nima nodded to the other woman in response. "I like the dress. You looking to impress someone?" She teased Ehottecri's face flushed slightly as she turned her face away from Nima. "If I didnt know you better, I would accuse you of doing the same!" As the torgruta spoke, Zura came around the bend, which stopped all banter between the two women. The time had come for them to work. While in the public eyes of the palace, Zura and Ehottecri kept their infatuation for one another in check, though the head of security couldn't keep her flesh from shifting colors in response to her lover. "Good! You're both here. That saves us time. Lets get on this shuttle and I'll brief you again on why we are visiting Mr. Ritgar and what will be expected of you two." With her direction complete, Zura lead them through the blast doors of the hangar. Nima had a sudden sense of foreshadowing. Almost as if she were taking steps on a road that would ultimately change her life forever, though it was unknown as if it were for better or for worse. [@The Wyrm]