[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rjLF0TZ.png[/img] [/center] [i]As the sun rises over the horizon, a pair of eyes glimmer in the magnificent orange glow. Then a few dozen more follow, all staring at the horizon as the day begins. They have stared at the sun like this for generations before, but today is different. Today the rising orange glow that spreads across the land bears a new meaning. It paints the landscape in a color that they've seen a thousand times before, but this time they can understand what that color means. A flock of birds fly across the horizon, fluttering in front of the orange glow for a while, their silhouettes once just black dots, but they mean so much more now. Today everything seems to fall in place as they watch the sun rise and get ready for the day. Today, the rising sun is the exact same as it has been for hundreds of years, but for them it marks the ebginning of a giant change. Today it means something so much more.[/i] [hr] [h3]Hello and welcome![/h3] Let's talk a bit more about the RP! I'm sure many of you are confused about the title and the intro if you have not come from the interest check, but don't worry, I will explain everything! This RP is all about you and your creativity. You will create a race that can be just about anything (well, humanoids that is) that you can come up with and place them down in this wide world. Starting with a handful of specimen who have just recently gained sentience and an understanding of who they are in the world around them, you will guide your chosen race to survive. Grow a tribe, gather resources, build up houses and farms for your people, defend yourself from dangers. At first you will have simple tasks: what do they eat, or where will they sleep and how do they communicate? But as time advances your people will grow and so will your responsibilities: what do your people beleive in and how do they govern themselves, where and how do they build their cities and what does their culture revolve around? Perhaps they are master craftsman or architects, maybe they make excellent painting or music? Or are they the philosophers of this world who will revolutionize science as it is known? As time progresses you will eventually have to fill out your sheet more and more, detailing the litle things about your race. Since you'll be controlling your people from primitives who just learnt how to use a rock to fell down a tree, it will be a natural evolution, unlike most of the other times when you have to comes up with this all at once. Hopefully in teh progress you will shape your race, and maybe they will shape you a bit too as you grow attached to this band of sapients who you'll have to guide wisely to make them prosper. [h3]Game Mechanics:[/h3] For now things will be kept relatively simple. You will all blindly pick a spot on a blank and incomplete map that will tell you where your people start. There you can come up with any number of details you want to describe how your race came to be, what it's ancestors were and how they live. Once this initial phase is done, the game will progress in turns where each player will detail what their chosen race is doing. The bigger you are the more complex this will get, and I doN't expect everyone to write a novel every time this happens. But most of the game will be your actions telling what your race does and building up their identity from a blank sheet of paper that is affected by nature and your imagination. Speaking of nature, every turn will begin with a post from me that details what events have happened in the world. If you've ever palyed a civ game this gameplay style will be very familiar. Every stat (for the start population) or effect will update when a turn starts, and I will start by telling you what the date is and how much time has passed to give you a general sense of progression. I will also control such things as the wildlife and natural disasters, all to give you something to deal with. You may make any number of responses in a given turn to build lore and interact with others, but you must always abide by the time limitations of the turns (so no 2 year journey in one post if the time jumps only a year every turn), and provide a simple hider that tells the other players in simple words what you've done. One more thing before I finish, I know that everybody is probably looking to become the big smart boys, but for this RP I will be sure to keep a close eye on the tech level and keep it relatively uniform for the sake of a coherent story. I will randomly assign breakthroughs to people depending on their actions that will advance this (like metallurgy, archery etc...) and then this knowledge will spread to the others as well. Note that some of you might have archery and the other pottery. You will be able to trade this or keep them to yourselves if you want, but nobody will suddenly have iron tools while the others are still using obsidian knives. Science as a whole has always been something that was advanced and refined by the entire human race, not just one part. And well...that is all. Don't worry too much about all this tech stuff, just be sure to come up with something interesting. This is a deep game with many aspects, and you might choose to ignore the technicalities to develop lore and that's perfectly fine. Or you amy be someone who does everything in order to get better numbers for whatever and that is also fine. All I'm asking from you is to think your actions through as you guide your race and make something cool. Kudos if you come up with your own alphabet and such, that is the kind of thing I want to see organically evolve in this RP. [h3]Rules:[/h3] I must make this section, I am contractually binded to say them. But doN't worry, I'm a cool dood. [b]- No godmodding:[/b] Pretty straightforward in an NRP I think, especially since I'll do all the numbers for everyone. [b]- No metagaming:[/b] This is a bit tougher. But basically, just because you know how to make a bow, or what rocks are good for tools and all that, it doesn't matter your people do. Most of these things will be things I'll give to you anyways to use, but I want to you REALLY stay in character for this RP. [b]- No griefing:[/b] There are no winners or losers here. We are all here to have a great time, and hopefully influence each other in a creative way. If you do something that is out of character for your people that is aimed at hurting anyone else's experience then you and I will have a long talk. [b]- Be nice with each other:[/b] This is self explanatory. Don't be a douche or critique other's works beyond an acceptable limit even if you disagree with them. [h3]Sheet:[/h3] The absolute cornerstone of any RP, I tried maknig this as simple as I could for all you to enjoy! It will evolve along with your people, I have a sheet compelted that will have many, MANY details in it as we progress. [hider=Sheet] [b]Race Name:[/b] This is the name of your race [b]Race Physical Description:[/b] This is where you describe how your race looks and what physical abilities it has. I am not looking for superpowered mary sues, but interesting ideas. Please keep them all humanoid for the sake of simplicity. This should include things like the average height and weight of your race, how fast it can run and how much it can lift, and heck, even what genders it has if it's not binary (or works differently). Pretty much everything about your race goes here that has nothing to do with culture, etc... If you have a picture, even better. [b]Population:[/b] Everybody starts with a dozen people. That is 12. This will quickly grow as we go along. [b]Race Behaviour:[/b] What are your people like normally? Are they aggressive or are they peaceful? Are they selfish or communal? This will all affect how your civilization progress and grow and in turn it will change to something else as well. Right now everybody is pretty simple, but the most basic qualities are all things you can give them, same as how elephants are foxes are smart and curious, and wolves are communal and cautious. [b]History:[/b] So far there is nothing here yet! But soon enough you will be able to write chronicles of your race! Use this to record important events that happened to your race to remember later on or to boast to the others. [b]Culture:[/b] As far as culture goes, you are all savages. But this will probably be the section you'll spend the most time writing about! Anything goes here that isn't religion, that will go into that slot. [b]Religion:[/b] Pretty straightforward. Once your people start believing in some deity (if they will), then you will be able to follow the evolution of that religion right here! [b]Technologies:[/b] So far you have basic tools and fire, but as time goes on this will improve with more! We will keep it simple, but it will help you remember what you have! [/hider] Don't begin working too fast yet! Papa potato got you covered with a pretty skeleton sheet that you can copy! Update: To avoid confusion before it even begins I shall put in this 0th minute update. This is very much freeform/fantasy when it comes to your creativity. I do intend to weer off the "normal" course of history and tech and let you all do what you want to make it even better. So elves and stuff are completely okay. So will be things in your first posts as compeltely made up animals and monsters. Let your imagination run wild! [code] [hider=Sheet] [center] [b]RACE NAME:[/b] [b]RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/b] [b]POPULATION:[/b] 12 [b]RACE BEHAVIOUR:[/b] [b]HISTORY:[/b] [b]CULTURE:[/b] [b]TECHNOLOGIES:[/b] [list][*] - Basic Tools [*] - Fire [/list] [/center] [/hider][/code] Should look something like this: [hider=Hoomanz] [b]RACE NAME: HOOMAN[/b] [img]https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/human-body-by-da-vinci-omikron.jpg[/img] [b]RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. [b]POPULATION:[/b] 12 [b]RACE BEHAVIOUR:[/b] Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. [b]HISTORY:[/b] [b]CULTURE:[/b] [b]TECHNOLOGIES:[/b] [list][*] - Basic Tools [*] - Fire [/list] [/hider] That is it all folks! All of you take care and have fun coming up with something interesting! Meanwhile I'll go and search for a map... ^^'