[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190803/551587858b8873ae5e55f126175e9712.png[/img] [sub][color=fff79a]Time[/color] ✿ Afternoon [color=fff79a]Location[/color] ✿ Apartment In Riverside/The Coffee Pot [color=fff79a]Mentions[/color] ✿ [@sempis] and [@Msmorningstar] [color=fff79a]Interactions[/color] ✿ [@Shard][/sub] [hr] [color=f9ad81]"Manami, your father and I think you should really come home. You barely just turned 20, your much too young to be living on your own! What if some crazy fan finds out where you live and stalks you. Even worse, what if they break into your home and kill you!"[/color] A girl with dark hair stood by a large ceiling-to-floor window, the latest phone held up to her ear as the ramblings of a [i]"concerned"[/i] mother assaulted her hearing. An exasperated sigh slipped past the girls lips as she leaned up against the window pane, [color=a187be]"Mama I'm an adult now and I need some space. You know I'm careful with not revealing where I live, you really need to stop worrying."[/color] The girl said, her violet eyes staring out the window, watching as cars passed by her apartment building. [color=f9ad81]"But Mimi, some people are smarter than you think! Just last week I watched story on the news of a girl who was killed after getting a rude from an Uber, what if that happens to you! Of your father and I wouldn't be able to handle it"[/color] While Manami knew her mother meant well and was probably concerned about her daughter, she also knew that she was also worrying about their money - or rather Manami's money. For a long time now Manami's blooming career in modelling had been keeping her parents afloat, it allowed them to live upper-class lives. On one hand she could understand why this was so important to them, back when they lived in Japan the life they lived was sad. The house had been falling apart and they could barely worked enough to keep the bills paid, such was the life of not getting ahead in Japan. So suddenly being able to not only pay those bills and have extra to buy luxury items was a godsend to them. However because of the money they both had grown greedy, calling Manami at least twice a week to get some amount of money from her...and she always obliged. They were her parents, they were the ones who had raised her, fed her, gave her a life that wasn't filled with poverty. But sometimes she wondered if this life was actually worth it. [color=bc8dbf]"Mama I understand your concern, I really do...but I really will be fine. If I feel like I'm in danger I'll call the police. Though I can't talk anymore, I have somewhere to be. Bye bye, mama!"[/color] Before the woman could say anything more Manami ended the call, another sigh escaping her. She stood at the large window for a few more moments before meandering through her quiet home to her bedroom. It was littered with clothes that were scattered on the floor, posters of movies and video games hung on the walls, figurines were neatly placed on shelves. Most people would think that the girl was some kind of geek with all the stuff she collected, how surprised they would be to learn that she was a model who influenced hundreds of people, who acted nothing like she was in real life. [color=bc8dbf]"What would happen if I just stopped?"[/color] She mumbled as she began to rummage through the clothes, throwing them here and there as she figured out what she wanted to wear. Another thought was where would she go today, perhaps the Coffee Pot? No she had been there yesterday, but god the thought of getting a Coco Cloud Macchiato sounded amazing and practically made her mouth water. Lord knows she needed one after the conversation with her mother. Knowing she would end up taking picture Manami dressed in a stylish outfit, one that might have even been a bit too nice. She did her hair, bunching it up into a bun atop her head and allowing small tendrils of hair to frame her face. Then she carefully did her make-up, applying it in a way that almost looked natural and not caked on. An hour later the girl was staring at a completely different person, her violet eyes shining with the contacts she had put in. [i]"I don't think I can ever get used to this face..."[/i] It was a thought that she often had. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Manami walked into the quaint coffee shop, gazing around at all the people ready to receive their liquid caffeine. Just like everyone else Manami waited in line, absently gazing at the many social media accounts on her phone as the line slowly moved. Once she got up to the register she looked at the waitress with a large smile, there was no need for her to look at the menu since she already knew what she wanted. [color=bc8dbf]"One Coco Cloud Macchiato please, extra whip cream on top."[/color] At the next register over a boy was flirting with a very pretty girl, he wasn't doing a very good job in her opinion. Deciding to mind her own business Manami took her drink once it was ready and quickly left the coffee shop, she had another place to be. Thankfully Shinagi Sushi wasn't far from the coffee shop and a quick cab ride had her standing in front of her favorite place to eat, she was a regular here and ate there at least once a week. She had probably tried almost everything on their menu, her favorite being any of the fried rolls and a healthy dose of Tobiko eggs as a topping, she could imagine their salty taste and satisfying crunch already. With a shiver of excitement the girl walked into the shop, taking in the different scents. God she loved this place so much, it made her feel somewhat sane in the whirlwind that was her life. Without hesitation Manami walked up to the counter, her eyes glittering as she stared at all the yummy options. She was feeling salmon today, it always seemed so good and buttery from this place. From over the counter Manami could see one of the adorable workers, Layne. [color=bc8dbf]"Good afternoon, Layne."[/color] She greeted the boy with a large smile. [color=bc8dbf]"Got any of that delicious salmon for a salmon roll?"[/color] She asked curiously. [/center]