Carmilla didn't even wait for Shock to invite her to escape with them; as soon as she was sure the "stoop to their level" comment hadn't pissed the tricksters off, she dove straight for the group and into Shock's hat. Carver cackled wickedly along with her friends. She didn't join in the shared-sentence-speaking, though she often could if she wanted to. She'd be hanging out with them long enough. Generally she let them have it stay "their thing". Lillith glared daggers at them all, but like Lock, recognized she couldn't take them on all at once in any kind of fight. And besides, Carmilla -- damn her -- was right; it would be beneath her to start a physical confrontation. She huffed ever so quietly, raised her head to ensure her posture was even more straight than usual, then turned and glided away from them to begin her own search. As the rest of the tricksters started to leave, Carver paused about halfway up the ladder. Two of her vines unraveled from her arm frames and pulled a slingshot from her chest cage. She silently debated with herself for a moment, but quickly decided against it and put them away. It wouldn't be entertaining enough.