[hider=Dee Dee] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjcxZDZkMS5SR1ZwWkhKbElFUmxibTVwY3lCUmRXbHVlbVZzLjA,/brushtip-c.regular.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/c6a7984fa31504b6d5f2763a8bd28749371b92fa/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f744633303863517273497a5a72513d3d2d3631303230303637352e313537626361316636313734393266383431323430323731353339382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [center] [color=#6ECFF6]Name[/color] Deidre Dennis Quinzel [color=#6ECFF6]Nickname[/color] D-Girl, DQ, Double D [color=#6ECFF6]Alias[/color] Dee Dee [color=#6ECFF6]Birth Date[/color] September 13 [color=#6ECFF6]Age[/color] 22 [color=#6ECFF6]Gender[/color] Female [color=#6ECFF6]Sexuality[/color] Pansexual [color=#6ECFF6]Place of Origin[/color] [color=#6ECFF6]Face Claim[/color] Lili Reinhart [color=#6ECFF6]Dialogue Color[/color] [color=#6ECFF6]Maya Blue[/color] | #6ECFF6 [color=#6ECFF6]Appearance[/color] __ Include the basics along with whatever else you'd like [color=#6ECFF6]Personality[/color] Loving a life filled with complete chaos and utter anarchy, Deidre is always pushing things to the very limit- provoking people left, right and center; and always doing her best to prove to them that the rest of the world is just as sick, and as twisted as she is. Living free and ever completely within the moment, Deidre is well known for making most, if not all of her decisions based solely on how she feels in that very moment; making her extremely unpredictable, and quite changeable because of this. Easily bored, and craving for both excitement and stimulation in her life; Deidre rarely ever thinks things through before acting, unable to just sit idly while life passes her by. Always needing to be doing something, no matter what it is, Deidre is willing - even eager - to give new things ago. Though the details and purpose about the academy in general don't interest her in the least, Deidre will do what they want purely because it produces results: her mother = isn't in Arkham Asylum. She's being rewarded in a way- and she is with her mother, Godmother Poison Ivy, and godsister Bells. That's all that matters to her. Jumping at the chance to spend time with her family, and to make her mother proud, because it's something that she can physically do; Deidre doesn't like to just sit and laze around when things have to be done- she takes action. Able to fight effectively without any official formal training, Deidre more times than none chooses to just improvise within her environment to get the job done; and whether this may be in a group, or own her own, she simply doesn't care. Still just a girl at heart; whenever it's seen that Deidre is in monumental emotional pain, she swallows it back the moment other people are there, choosing not to show her true emotions. They're hers, and hers alone. With a strong sense of identity; Deidre has no problem accepting who she is as a villain- it's the path that she chose, and she is utterly unapologetic about it. Not attempting to moralize her choices in life like others around her do; she is what she is, and her sense of morality is based purely around her own feelings of what's right, and what's wrong, strongly influenced by her mother. Not at all affirming; Deidre is blunt- she doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. Ultimately, the only things, or people that matters to her is her family. Thinking very little about the future, Deidre doesn't bother looking ahead to the consequences of her life of crime; rather looking forward to the thrill and pleasure that come from the path she has chosen. [color=#6ECFF6]Background[/color] [color=#6ECFF6]Parental Heritage[/color] [url=https://image-cdn.hypb.st/https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2018%2F11%2Fmargot-robbie-birds-of-prey-real-title-release-date-reveal-001.jpg?q=75&w=800&cbr=1&fit=max]Dr. Harleen Quinzel[/url] | Harley Quinn [color=#6ECFF6]Hero or Villain[/color] Villian [color=#6ECFF6]Abilities[/color] Genius Level Intellect Gymnastics: She is a very spectacular gymnast. Her skills rival with those of her Mothers. Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced) Martial Arts Poison Ivy's Serum: Deidre was born a normal human, but received enhanced abilities from a plant serum created by Poison Ivy. Like making her immune to Poison Ivy's Toxic Touch, Giving her Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Durability. [color=#6ECFF6]Limitations[/color] [color=#6ECFF6]Miscellaneous[/color] __ Anything can go here. [/center] [/hider]