[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] As Fleuri drew closer to the burning tree, a warcry sounded nearby. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bandit rushing at him with a mace held high, nearly blindsiding the knight with the speed and abruptness of the attack. He narrowly dodged the powerful blow, its great momentum preventing the bandit from adjusting the trajectory of the swing. Fleuri then leapt away from his attacker, putting some distance between the two. Behind the first bandit, another approached, brandishing a handaxe. [i]It looks like a few have broken out of the encirclement,[/i] Fleuri assessed. He wasn't the only knight that had rushed to aid Fanilly- he had seen Tyaethe rush to the Captain's aid, and Gerard was right behind Fleuri, with the same intention. While it wasn't a reasonable assumption that the survival of the captain and the death of the Bandit King were the most important objectives, the fact remained that they couldn't let anyone escape. None of these murderers could be allowed to evade justice, and they certainly couldn't be allowed to share their firsthand knowledge of Iron Rose tactics with other brigands. He couldn't be sure if these bandits were simply trying to escape by going through him, or if they held some loyalty for their bandit king, but either way, someone was needed to take care of them and make sure nobody else breaks out. "Gerard, go on ahead," he told his companion as he released his left hand from his greatsword and drew his dagger. "I'll take care of these bandits and make sure none escape." He immediately rushed at the bandits, swinging both weapons in succession. The bandits easily evaded his aggressive swings, but the immediate goal of this assault was not to kill them, but to drive them back and keep them on the defensive so that they could not bar Gerard's way. [i]Reon, please let this be the right choice.[/i] [@HereComesTheSnow]