That was a fun read. I hope my writing is adequate to roleplay with you, haha. If not, I guess I'll have to improve. Client x Bodyguard and Assassin x Target/Assassin both interest me. I'm down to hear your plots, if you already have any in mind, and here are some of my own. [hider=Client x Bodyguard 1 - Powers]Character Client is born with dangerous, superhuman abilities of some kind. Being the first of what anyone has ever seen before, the public erupts into hysterics. There's no choice. The government has to stage an execution, leaving the public to think Client is dead while confidential scientists gather data on this supernatural specimen. Character Bodyguard is the bodyguard hired to keep Client in check - make sure they don't escape, cause harm to the property, others, or themselves, etc. However, Bodyguard's role is complicated when the authorities start sending Client on spooky confidential government missions, which Bodyguard must accompany Client on and continue monitoring. Bodyguard [i]can[/i] have powers, but we'll have to do more worldbuilding first to see what is allowed and what isn't.[/hider] [hider=Client x Bodyguard 2 - Scifi]Character Bodyguard, a robot that has become self-aware and fully autonomous, runs away from their owner and desperately searches for a job. They stumble upon Character Client, a young person in enough danger to hire them as a bodyguard. Client ensures Bodyguard a new home with them in exchange for the bodyguard service. I don't have this one fully thought out yet, but plots shouldn't be hard to brainstorm from here. Just a little more character-building and a spark of inspiration is all we need.[/hider] [hider=Assassin x Assassin]Character One and Character Two are both top assassins. When they are both sent on a mission to take down the same victim, they know one of them will have to die somewhere along the line. They both value their lives, their jobs, and the reward for bringing back the corpse. Having nothing to go off of except for a bodycount and an alias, this mission becomes a mindgame between the two of them. I can see this plot heading in a lot of directions. Suspense, romance, angst, tragedy, action - it's pretty open.[/hider]