The sableye stared at Robin. Robin stared back. It wasn't hostile, or Keoni would have recalled Robin already. The two ghost types were just watching each other. And Asuna was sitting next to the table with papers, notably not looking at him. He'd never thought he'd be the type to become annoyed over being left to his own devices, but having spent more time touching her than not, he could clearly feel the lack of it. Keoni flipped open the tourist brochure that'd been on the desk, searching for something that was actually something worth visiting, and not an incidental function of the city's location. Rustboro seemed to be a university town, at least at first, so most of the brochure had to talk about was academic in some way. Museums of history, art, a garden with rare plants... All in some way related to an ongoing function of the university. He stretched, and Katherine took the opportunity to nudge him with her nose. "Ai! Careful there." He flinched away from the sudden cold, scratching her behind the ears as he pulled his shirt to cover the spot. "You know that's chilly." The ninetales growled mischievously, though that turned a little harder. He looked up to see Asuna had been distracted from her studies. "Don't worry there. I just got a reminder that I wasn't paying my other favourite girl enough attention lately." A strange expression crossed her face before Asuna replied, "I think both your favourite girls want your attention today, but one of us has a job to do first." She stood, settling the Unovan-cut clothes around her waist more appropriately, then patting them looking for a pocket that wasn't there. Katherine nudged Keoni's hand again, as it had stopped moving. With a sigh, Asuna fished a handbag from her luggage and dropped the other two pokeballs into it before recalling the sableye. "Come on," she looked over at Keoni. "Oh, am I coming?" he said, lifting himself off the couch. Asuna's eyes drifted from his face a little, as he buttoned up again. "Sure I won't get in the way?" She tossed Katherine's ball to him, remarking, "Well, if you'd rather sit here all alone while I go do dangerous things in seedy parts of the city..." Apparently she'd picked up something objectionable in his tone. Keoni stood, recalling Katherine and Robin. He put his arms around Asuna's waist, though she stopped him from kissing her. "Makeup, right," he muttered. "Never understood why the Nimbasa girls wear so much of it. Halfway through a tour you'd see them desperately trying to patch their faces up as the heat got to them." He instead kissed her forehead, up near her hairline where there was only foundation. "If this is some sort of Dark spy mission, I'd stand out. Though you always stand out and..." He stopped as he understood. "Oh, that [i]is[/i] the disguise." Asuna laughed, pulling away and taking his hand with her. "Mm-hm. Now let's go before I decide to stay in today." He let her pull him outside the room. "Don't forget to lock it," she reminded, and soon they were out in the plaza streets of Rustboro. The height of the city struck him most of all. The Haina had dunes that loomed over you like this, stone formations that rose high, but this was something altogether different. These skyscrapers were almost deliberately vertigo-inducing, square on the top as they were on the bottom, close enough that they were probably leaning on each other. He didn't notice the circuitous route Asuna was leading him on, nor that his gawking at the skyscrapers and billboards was doing quite enough to disguise her careful, searching looks. It was on a wide balcony, plants growing in a small garden with a bench, that he noted, "I don't know how people live so cramped. Maybe they've got a secret or something."