That wasn't the plan, at least not indefinitely. But that wasn't the first thing to come to Shock's mind. She gritted her teeth and glared, too furious to be intimidated by Carmilla. Shock tossed the tattered hat aside. Barrel grabbed it and pitifully hid behind Carver in fear of his sister's incoming wrath. "That. Was. An. [I]Antique[/i]!" Shock screamed. She grabbed Carmilla's skirt to yank her to the ground, with the intent to slam her right into it. Lillith might have been right that she'd been looking for an excuse to fight. And Carmilla picked the worst possible catalyst. There were very few personal possessions Shock put any value in, given her and her brothers' destructive lifestyle. But that was the one thing that had grown up with her since childhood, the one thing that lasted through years of pranks, brawls, and mischief. And now she was going to make Carmilla wish she'd waited the two minutes it would have taken for the prank to lose its humor before Shock let her out for other trouble.