[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882221087784970/OhannakeloiSymbol2.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882185767550998/ohanna1.png[/img][/center] [hr] Ohannakeloi found that managing over two thousand mortals in a very confined space with little to do was not particularly pleasant. Especially when split into two halves that could not speak to each other, that particular problem had created quite a bit of tension in his keep. And a great number of issues for Ohannakeloi personally, as each conflict or disagreement between one of the Vallamir and one of the Nebulites quickly required another that could understand both sides, most of the time when they had no real issue and instead simply could not understand that they agreed. Ohannakeloi had summoned two of the number of mortals, one from each of the two races, to an upper chamber so that he may talk to them and stop this issue. [color=D8CCBA]“Solun and Aefsige, there has been a bit of a problem, that being the constant disputes of little substance here in my keep. I know both of you have been very good in keeping your respective peoples calm until I can sort out whatever happened but I will let you know that it is less than idea this issue.”[/color] Aefsige spoke, “Divine Ohannakeloi, I understand what you mean but it is difficult when there is so little space and with nothing much to do, I hope you can understand that we are simply stressed by this conditions and it does not reflect on your stature.” Solun spoke next, “Divine Ohannakeloi, perhaps if you could create separate quarters for the Nebulites and these Vallamir we may be able to reduce the conflict at least until there is more to do, as there is little to do or act upon, except each other and without understanding that is more often for ill than good.” Ohannakeloi snapped his claws, [color=D8CCBA]“I think I have a solution that would be of benefit.”[/color] Ohannakeloi held out a claw and stone began to form, a divine stone most common to the divinely infused creations of Ohannakeloi. It was fairly long, if put at the base of the floor it would have been a third the height of Solun. It was decorated with several symbolic representations of Ohannakeloi and his creations. Ohannakeloi handed the scepter to Solun. [color=D8CCBA]“Take this and tap it to the forehead of Aefsige, carefully it is rather heavy.”[/color] Solun did as directed, taking the scepter and tapping the forehead of Aefsige. At first nothing then Solun and Aefsige both felt a jolt as each suddenly learned the other’s language. The words came into their heads bidden from the other, connecting the meaning to the words and concepts they knew already in their speech. Aefsige was the first to speak, in the Nebulite tongue, “This, this is amazing I-, it is as easy as though I were speaking in the tongue of my people.” He turned to the God Crab. “Thank you, Divine Ohannakeloi. This gift is very important, even if I still feel odd but this, is it permanent?” [color=D8CCBA]“Yes, you now fully know each other's language. It may perhaps be wise to use the Scepter of Understanding on more of your peoples before I have to again assist in stopping their conflicts.”[/color] Ohannakeloi spoke letting some of his annoyance that had been building up get through. Solun spoke, “At once Divine Ohannakeloi, come with me Aefsige, this will go easier if you are with me.” The two went below into the quarters of the Nebulites and the Vallamir, initially just the quarters of the Nebulites as the Vallamir had taken to the lower levels of the keep. However the scepter allowed for the transmission of language, and that fact quickly spread, especially as it was of divine origin, quickly Solun and Aefsige only had to wait for others to come to them. Ohannakeloi hoped the spread of the two languages among the entire population would reduce the needless minor conflicts, soon they would be on Atokhekwoi, and Ohannakeloi knew just the place to settle them. [hider=Summary]Ohannakeloi is on his keep annoyed by the Nebulites and Vallamir fighting all the time because they can't understand each other and its cramped and there is little to do. Ohannakeloi summons Solun and Aefsige to an upper level of the keep and talks a bit but mostly gives an Artifact that transfers the language between two people so that they each know both. Aefsige and Solun go to spread this to the rest of the population and Ohannakeloi hopes this means they’ll stop fighting as they will soon be over Atokhekwoi and where Ohannakeloi wishes to settle both peoples.[/hider] [hider=Might Summary] Ohannakeloi Start: 6 Mp, 7 Fp Spent: 1 Mp Scepter of Understanding, transfers language currently in mind of holder to recipient and vice-versa End: 5 Mp, 7 Fp[/hider]