Truth be told, Iseldis didn't have much of an appetite. Maybe it was the queasy feeling lingering in the pit of her stomach, the exhaustion, or some effect of the magic she'd been hit with. Still, Roland was right, she'd lose what little strength she had left if she didn't eat. Her pack was quite small, given that she hadn't expected their trip to last more than a day and a night, but she did at least have some rations. She lowered herself carefully to the ground against the rock wall, wary of straining the partially unhealed wounds in her leg and shoulder. She wanted to lie down, but knew that if she did, sleep would probably take her, and they couldn't afford to rest for that long here. She focused on eating while Roland refilled the water sacks. "I feel like a fraud in these robes now," she admitted, not sure why exactly she was speaking. Something to help keep her awake perhaps, and it was the thing weighing most heavily on her mind. "My first real task, my test to become a full-fledged priestess, and I'm running for my life. My magic was supposed to cut that witch down, but she cast it aside like it was nothing." The confidence she'd had felt so foolish in hindsight. Like an adolescent thinking she was invincible, when she was really more vulnerable than she possibly could've known. She hated the feeling. "If it wasn't for that quick thinking of yours back there I suppose I'd be dead already. Or worse."