Damian let out a sigh as the mayor tried to suggest selling his home as a way to get the money. Luckily he didn't have to inform the man that it wasn't an option as Evan spoke up. He glanced towards his right hand and gave a nod of agreement before looking back to Regis as the other man as he said her couldn't get him the money. "Well that's certainly a shame." the leader said with a disappointed sigh. If the mayor didn't budge soon and produce their money, it would cause for quite an amount of problems. As Regis produced a small ring bow, he looked over curiously and reached across the table to pick it up. He opened the box and eyed the ring inside. It was a decent ring. It'd likely go for a decent price but it certainly wouldn't pay off all that he owed them. At the mayor's joke about using his daughter as payment, Damian glanced up from the ring to look at him, his expression lacking whatever amusement Regis found in it. He closed the small box and opened his mouth to insist for payment once more. Afterall, he had a feeling this man was just being stubborn about finding a way to give him his full payment and Damian had no intention of going easy on him. Not when the eyes of his family and other members would be on him after speaking with such a big client. However, he wasn't able to respond before Regis suddenly gave him another offer. Damian had seen many methods of bargaining in his life, both during his short time as leader as well as under the orders of his father, but he had never had such an offer. Having a father offer his own daughter as payment, caught the normally unflinching leader off guard and for a moment he just stared at Regis, as if unsure to take it as a serious off or as another joke. As tense silence followed, he realized that the man was actually serious about pawning off his daughter. "What the hell kind of medieval bullshit are you suggesting?" Rowan scoffed from Damian's left, being the first to break the silence as she narrowed her gaze on Regis. She glanced over at her brother and then Evan, looking for support. She hadn't been on many jobs with her brother before but surely such an offer was ridiculous. Her family may have not had the best record but they were at least above using people like [i]that[/i], right? The sister look over at her brother again and frowned a little as he remained silent on the matter. The look in his eyes told her that the wheels were turning in his head. Some type of plan was being formed and she wasn't quite sure that she liked it. "I must say it's not an offer I've heard before. It's quite cold to use your own daughter as a payment. Not a thing most fathers do." Damian said with a chuckle. He looked at Regis, meeting his gaze with a dangerous smirk. "That being said, she was the pretty blonde that showed us inside correct? If you're serious, then sure. I'll take her." "Damian you can't be serious!" Rowan gawked. Damian waved his hand dismissively at her. "It's business, Rowan, just stay out of it." he advised her as he held the mayor's gaze. "So what do you say? Have we reached an agreement?" By saying yes to the deal, Damian would either be calling his bluff or would end up taking the man's daughter. He was hoping it was a bluff. He didn't really want to take this man's daughter, especially when the poor girl had nothing to do with her father's terrible decisions. However, if he was serious, Damian didn't plan to back down either. Though it wasn't right, he'd keep to his word and take her as it would give him reason enough to prevent any bloodshed.