[h2][center][color=fff200][b]Calling all low-lifes, thugs, turn-coats, mercenaries, and anyone else willing to risk disrupting the galactic economy for a payday; I'm putting together a team, and I need You to make it happen![/b][/color][/center][/h2] The warring factions are at each other's throats, Jedi fighting Sith and Empire fighting Republic. In times like these, it's hard for a person to make an honest day's living. So, we're not going to do that. Instead, we of the criminal persuasion are going to take advantage of all this fighting, and score the biggest take of the millennium. That's right, this is a heist plot, and all are welcome! Now then, the essentials: Every good heist needs a few key elements. So, I will be looking for characters who are interested in filling specific roles. That said, everyone is welcome to join, so even if you don't think you fill a role, don't be afraid to take part. Odd things can happen on a heist, and honestly, someone who doesn't belong showing up unannounced makes for the best kind of plot twist. [hider=The Roles:] [list] [*]Benefactor: Someone is going to need to foot the bill. This can either be the person hiring us to take on the mission, or the potential buyer we have in mind for payment. Obviously, if you hire us for the mission, you get to decide what it is we're stealing; And, if we are successful, you will be the one who ends up with whatever macguffin your dark little heart desires. [*]Muscle: Ideally, we get away clean. Of course, the chances of that happening are almost zero. So, we're going to need people who know how to fight. This can mean anything from blaster-toting mercs to rogue force users. If you've got some additional skill to bring to the table besides fighting, all the better. [*]Specialists: Depending on the target, we are going to need people who are good at getting past the obstacles we know we're going to face. If it's a vault door, we'll need a safe cracker. If it's a computer system, we'll need a hacker. You don't need to be the perfect key to fit the lock, either. Inventive solutions to difficult problems are more than welcome. [*]Caser: We're going to need someone who can get us the information we need. So, someone will have to case the joint. This can mean anything from someone working on the inside who turns rogue for the money, to someone we planted to work there in advance, or even just someone who's good at gathering information without raising suspicions. Of course, how exactly you fill this role determines what part you're going to take throughout the rest of the plot. [*]Opposition: Every good narrative has an antagonist. This can be almost anything; An overworked beat cop who catches wind of our plan, the head of security, or even the rightful owner of our target. There can be more than one person filling this role, with any number of reasons. We could even have a traitor in our midst, who plans on taking it all for themselves at the last moment. [/list][/hider] [hider=The Target] Of course, by now you'll want to know what it is we plan to steal. It is important to note that this is subject to change, but for a basis we have options; [list] [*]The Vault: This will be the default target. Currently, there is an archaeological dig being headed by a University of Coruscant. This creates an opportunity for someone to get powerful and precise mining equipment planet-side, along with some other 'materials' to be assembled later. Once it's on the planet, it can be used to break into a Very heavy-duty vault. Specifically, the largest repository of credits the planet has to offer. [*]Tech: In Star Wars, there's always something new to steal. The latest plans for high-end hyperdrive systems, a prototype super weapon, or even a new type of droid. The possibilities are endless, and there is always someone willing to pay to be on the cutting edge. [*]Benefactor's choice: Should someone decide to fund this little operation, they would essentially get to pick our target. This could range anywhere from valuable relics, to entire ships. So long as they have the money to pay, we're the people for the job. [b]WARNING[/b]: The more likely the target is to alter the balance of power within the galaxy, the less likely we are to succeed. Should we take this option, keep in mind, failure is always a possibility. Actions do have consequences. [/list][/hider] If interested, please post what character(s) you would like to take part, and what role(s) you would like them to play. If you have questions, feel free to PM me or look for me on Discord. I usually hang around the independent-factions section.