“I agree,” Hanjae said ,”let’s ‘strike camp’ before too long and go on a trek. At least we will have the jungle canopy to shield us from the sun. With any luck we’ll hit a veritable jackpot. Of sample items that is.” Han stepped away from the bow and pulled his canteen from his waist. It was full as he had just filled it an hour ago. He popped the cap off and took one big sip of the cool water, forcing himself not to indulge in several long gulps. Aside from not drinking half of his water at once, he didn’t want to go trapsing off into the jungle with a heavy stomach. “So,” he said, wiping his mouth ,”stop in an hour or so and gather some local fauna. And then later on we’ll port ship early. Remember though, we’re not to go any deeper than one mile into the jungle at any time.” Despite his personal dislike at moderated exploration, Hanjae knew the pair shouldn’t venture too deeply into the maw of the Amazon. Even with their basic skill, better men and women than they had disappeared into the Amazon without a trace. It was only sensible to set a boundary of sorts. [@Typical]