Damian bit back a frown as Regis agreed to the deal and extended his hand. If the man was bluffing, he was about to make a big mistake. And if he wasn't, well, the leader was beginning to think there was a man colder than himself after all. Regardless, he had every intention of taking the mayor's offer. He was just about to reach for his hand when Evan suddenly gave an outburst. Damian side glanced at his second before looking back to the mayor's gaze, holding it evenly. He didn't like how the man suggested extending his time to pay them back again. It only made the leader more certain of his decision. "I'm sure I'll figure out some use for her." Damian shrugged his shoulders and then smirked crudely at Regis, before tauntingly adding, "My family will probably be expecting me to marry soon so this will provided the perfect opportunity." He reached out and shook Regis hand firmly, solidifying the deal. Rowan stared in disbelief. Her brother had done plenty of bad things in the past but surely this was the topper. "I can't believe you two!" she spat furiously. "Her own father! And you!" she turned on Damian, curling her lip at her brother. "Take it back right now!" Damian let go of Regis' hand and turned to look over at his sister, unflinchingly. "This is just part of the business... And I won't have anyone telling me what to do. That goes for both of you." he growled warningly, casting a glance at Evan as well. "This is the best option for everyone involved." Rowan huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Except for that poor girl." she grumbled under her breath. She wanted to protest further but knowing her brother, it was useless. Once he made a decision, it was damn near impossible to change his mind. Plus she didn't want to give him further reason to keep her from helping with other jobs. It was her first time out in a while after all. The most she could do now was just sit back and help the innocent girl adjust to this decision she had no part of. Damian turned his attention back to Regis, ignoring Rowan's side comment. "Now then, if that settles everything, call her in would you? I'd like to get home soon and now that I know we're going to have to make a stop at your house to collect her belongings, I'd rather not stick around much longer." he said casually.