Evan nodded in agreement, “Yeah… although I don’t think either of them really wanted that sort of deal. It looks like two stubborn people not backing down.” Shrugging slightly, he leaned back in his chair as he continued to drive on, “I thought as much, most of the rooms were being used so it doesn’t leave us with many options.” Tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he looked at the roads ahead, sighing as he saw a spot of rain hit the windshield. “I bet you five bucks she tries to run in the night.” Giving her a smile, he wanted to make it a bit more light-hearted and betting always brightened the mood. Who didn’t love a good bet? Reaching his hand out to the air con he turned up the heating as the windshield wipers began to move, squeaking with each motion as the rain became heavier on the drive. “Any reason he brought you along to this deal?” Glancing at her briefly before turning his attention back to the road, “Usually he doesn’t bring anyone along. Well depends on the meeting I suppose but yeah…” The car journey wouldn’t take them too long as long as traffic was good, or there weren’t any road incidents as Evan could be quite the hot head when it came to silly drivers. There had been this one time he had ranted a three-hour journey all because someone had cut him up on a roundabout, everyone had heard that story and not dared to mention it for fear he’d go off into another rant about it. “Have you eaten? I could swing by a fast food place on the way.” It was fairly late especially after that meeting and even though Evan had eaten, he could always go for more. He quite enjoyed his food, but it was also a good excuse if Rowan hadn’t had anything either. He was sure they would make it back in time to prepare a room seeing as Damian had stated about picking up some stuff for the girl. --- It was hard to figure out what she should say to him, how she should even respond. Everything seemed quite confusing but at least she remembered basic functions like getting her stuff and following. What do you really say to someone who had gotten you in some sort of deal? Following him to the car she looked back at the office for what she thought would be the last time, she could see the silhouette of a man at a window looking as if they were staring at them and she could only assume it was her father. “Oh.. uh thanks.” Taken from her thoughts as he had opened the door for her, she moved inside the car, she couldn’t help but be polite as that was how she had been raised. “Of course you do…” She hadn’t really meant to say it out loud, but it was more just a comment on how he knew where she lived. “Makes sense, who would want their money just disappearing.” She kept her focus out the window watching as the weather started to turn. To her it felt awkward, but what should she expect when two strangers had been thrown together. “You mentioned I won’t be seeing him for quite a while. Is it safe for me to assume I won’t be working there?” Taking her eyes from the road she glanced at him, still rather hesitant on this situation. “And what exactly should I be grabbing from my things?” Of course she knew to grab clothes but her question was more directed at if she should think on taking personal items, electronics or for now just focus on clothes to see her through.