Richard stopped. He was finally in front of the dorm building. It was quite large, as would be expected of such a school, and its appearance matched the prestige of the academy. The boy stood for a time, studying building's appearance, counting the windows and the like. [color=purple][i]What, you getting cold feet or something?[/i][/color] Mortimer grumbled. [color=purple][i]Come on, we've got things to do.[/i][/color] [color=lightyellow][i]I know.[/i][/color] The boy replied. He didn't need to be reminded. Richard adjusted his clothes and hat before walking into the building. The first order of business was to set up his base of operations. After that... Well, he could always look around the school for a while. The boy's stomach rumbled lightly. [color=lightyellow][i]And maybe try to find some food.[/i][/color] He thought to himself.