Penelope blinked in mild surprise as she detected the defensiveness in his tone. She looked back up at him as he went on to attack the idea in a gentler voice. Her idea had been more so to let him do as he pleased without feeling like he had been unfaithful to her in the process. She didn't exactly like it but it had been the best she had been able to come up with at the time. Though, he was right about the faultiness of it. She would have been miserable if she had to watch him flirt with other women. Her name wasn't as much of a concern to her of course but she still appreciated the thought. Regardless of it all, hearing him deny it certainly made her feel relieved. It had really been a plan for a different situation, one where she had thought he had been unfaithful, so she was more than glad to toss it aside. As he wrapped his arms around her, she relaxed and slipped her arms around him, returning the embrace. Penelope gave a soft smile as he rested his forehead against hers. His words made her heart flutter and she leaned in to meet his lips as he kissed her. As he pulled back, she smiled at him and gave a small nod, feeling more than reassured by his words. However, her smile faded a bit as she realized she had let her paranoia get to her, just like she had been afraid it would have. She felt a stab of guilt and lowered her gaze with shame. "I'm sorry about listening to those stupid rumors.." she told him softly. The knight forced herself to lift her gaze to meet his once more. "I do trust you, Crow. I.. I just had a lot of 'what if's in my head with Liz around." she admitted giving her shoulders a small shrug. "Then when it sounded like something did happen, I guess I just gave into them. I should have known better but it was hard to imagine a different explanation at the time.. I mean, I thought Elizabeth was bold but I certainly didn't expect her to be [i]that[/i] bold." Penelope wrinkled her nose slightly then gave him an apologetic look. "Regardless, it won't happen again."